I didn't understand, so I'm posting film here for critical review.
Captain Vulva, the reigning world champion picklord presented in your film here has an advantageously inconsistent connection, let's say, which usually works in his favour granting him super easy front-quarter shots that do not present on his opponent's end. Probably it was minimised in this fight because the merges had more aspect and less summed closure. Every now and again he observes artefacts of his laggy connection which when they don't favour him obviously become a cause for everyone's concern, is the simple explanation.
Regarding gondolas I did some quick and dirty flight testing.
In the case of the G14 selecting the 150-round hub 20-mm (about the same ammo for all cannon), and the two gondolas gives you 7662lbs, that's a penalty of 409lbs over the basic single 30-mm or a 5.6% weight penalty on the total airframe, wet on 100% internal fuel. There is a top speed penalty of 9-m.p.h. (2.5% slower). I could feel no discernible penalty in roll rate about 5 seconds at all practical speeds with or without gondolas. Presumably the additional mass at extremity is not modelled.
Conversely it does give you a total of 430 cannon rounds amounting to about 12.5 seconds continuous firing time of cannon in a buckshot-like HE dispersal which essentially fills your ring, pardon the pun. In addition to the cowl guns it equates to something like a quad 20-mm but dispersed over 5-axes.
Personally I consider the 30-mm MK108 to be single shot or usually three round burst only for about 20 shots in practical terms. A more elegant weapon for a more civilised age.