And Russia will not agree to any of that Cpt so now what?
We should pour as much support and weapons into Ukraine as possible for how ever long as they wish to resist.
Every Russian they kill is a Russian that will not be shooting at US soldiers in the coming war in Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia.
Ukraine isn't Putin's goal. It is the corridor he has to pass through to get to the Polish Gap (Poland) and the Bessarabia Gap (Moldova\Romania).
These geographic choke points are Putin's real goal. All the strategic end goals involve NATO countries. He will invade them one at a time and hope for sufficient useful idiots in the West to argue to just let him have that one ("then he will be satisfied") before he moves on to the next. Eventually that will include the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania to secure the Baltic coast and link up with Kaliningrad.
We are fast approaching a a series of hard choices:
1. Allow Putin to eventually attack NATO countries and refuse to fulfill our treaty obligation.
2. Withdraw from NATO before we are forced to fulfill our treaty obligation.
3. Wait like a deer in the headlights to be forced to fight Russia once they attack NATO countries. But appeasement is like crack. Once you get a taste of it, it is hard to go cold turkey later.
4. Expend money instead of American lives to give Russia such a bloody nose in Ukraine that they are materially unable to continue their path toward NATO countries.
As long as Ukraine is willing to resist the Russian invasion, it is in our obvious best interest to provide them every weapon we have short of nukes and all the material support we can possibly muster. It is money well spent and a bargain at twice the price if it saves more American lives later.
The only possible path to avoid a larger regional war in Europe is to stop the Russians cold in Ukraine. Stopping them there with money instead of later having to spend American blood.
Unless of course you opt for choices 1 or 2. In that case the US ceases to be a world power. No one will ever take us seriously again and we will have proven ourselves an unreliable treaty partner. The US will become the new France. American Surrender Monkeys will be the new global punchline.