Author Topic: Who wants a secure border?  (Read 9669 times)

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2022, 04:39:40 PM »
We don't need a wall overall train but we do need a wall. Listen to what the border patrol has said in the past. They even built their own walls out of surplus military scrap from the Vietnam era to delineate the border. They desperately wanted some sort of a wall because that is a big help.

What I want is a physical barrier where needed, along with all the technology and manpower needed. I don't think any of that is a waste of money. I think it's a national security issue and we spend all kinds of money on roadkill. This is a real issue that we need to address. Every American should be behind securing the border.

And this is roadkill having illegals come here and be untouchable.

Say you want to arrest employers? There's another side of that. Employers are victims just like we are. The federal government enables illegals to live here. They allow their kids to go to school and they allow them to live here without being harassed. They flood the labor market so what are businesses supposed to do?

Illegals even open their own businesses.

We need to prosecute illegals themselves as well. Like Arizona tried to do. Arizona made it illegal for them to go to school or ride on public transportation or even for anybody to knowingly transport any illegal. The federal government shot all that down.

There are so many things that we could do right now. The fact of the matter is that most Democratic politicians do not want to do anything to secure the border. ICOM for short.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2022, 04:40:14 PM »
The OP stated walls were not the argument from the start of this thread.  Yet, you went there.

Yeah?  Guess what?  I don't take orders GeeeeGeeeee.

I go where I please.  Deal with it.
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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2022, 04:44:16 PM »
Yeah?  Guess what?  I don't take orders GeeeeGeeeee.

I go where I please.  Deal with it.

Yet you still refuse to give a straight answer to the OP's original question.
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2022, 04:44:20 PM »
The OP stated walls were not the argument from the start of this thread.  Yet, you went there.  Now you're trying to muddy the waters even more by mentioning the employers of illegals.  Fair points in a different discussion.    It was really a simple question.  Are you for secure borders?

the question was just so Gina could say, then you should have voted for trump

I mean who doesn't want a secured border? but wanting and having are 2 different things.

I mean trump also promised mexico was gonna pay for it.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2022, 04:45:21 PM »
I will amend what I said about Democrats. Both Democrats and Republicans. They do not want the border sealed.

There are various reasons I think. I think that they like the cheap labor and I think that Democrats like the voters. Illegals do contribute to the economy. It would be a different economy if they were not here with their cheap labor.

But I don't want any of that. Trump was right when he said that if you don't secure your borders you don't have a country. There are so many things that Trump wanted to do that I agreed with. He was a true outsider that got screwed over by both sides.

People that hate Trump usually can't cite anything other than personality. What he was actually doing was very good for the country in a lot of cases.

But some people have a cut off their nose to spite their face attitude. Makes no sense to me. It's true derangement.

Trump was the only outsider that got in and he was shaking up both sides of the aisle. ICOM for short.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2022, 04:47:28 PM »
Yet you still refuse to give a straight answer to the OP's original question.

Jbus keeeerist you are slow.

I want remote sensors, drone surveillance and prison terms for business owners knowingly or negligently employ illegals.

You can't extrapolate from that that I want to secure the border without someone holding your hand?

Do you need help with the big words, Sparky?  Don't be ashamed to ask.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2022, 04:48:07 PM »
the question was just so Gina could say, then you should have voted for trump

I mean who doesn't want a secured border? but wanting and having are 2 different things.

I mean trump also promised mexico was gonna pay for it.


Who doesn't want a secure border?  A lot of people, and I guarantee they didn't vote for Trump. 
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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2022, 04:50:43 PM »
Jbus keeeerist you are slow.

You can't extrapolate from that that I want to secure the border without someone holding your hand?

Do you need help with the big words, Sparky?  Don't be ashamed to ask.

Not with you people.  I need to read "I WANT A SECURE BORDER".
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2022, 04:54:10 PM »
Not with you people.  I need to read "I WANT A SECURE BORDER".

So you admit that you are not very bright?

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2022, 05:05:24 PM »
wow now Koreans are Mexicans.


If you say so.

I am referring to the illegal mexicans being called dreamers, but apparently the left gets offended over everything now if it hurts their feelings
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2022, 05:18:55 PM »
If you say so.

I am referring to the illegal mexicans being called dreamers, but apparently the left gets offended over everything now if it hurts their feelings

you said all dreamers are illegal Mexicans.  there's about 20 nationalities including Koreans.

if you want to insult my Jamaican nationality at least do it properly.


edit: if I had called you white trash, kkk hood wearing, white supremacist, trump lover. see all on the right get offended by everything.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 05:36:04 PM by guncrasher »
you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2022, 05:49:48 PM »
I didn't know you were a dreamer semp!

Lol ICOM for short.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2022, 06:00:28 PM »
Semp, if you're saying that you're a dreamer then how did you sneak in? ICOM for short.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2022, 06:34:29 PM »
I didn't know you were a dreamer semp!


I never said I was. I'm 57.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: Who wants a secure border?
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2022, 06:41:55 PM »
I sure as hell want it secured.
I don't want to compete for jobs with people who never did the proper paperwork to be here. My Vietnamese family (my mom and her parents) had to fight pirates, and was nearly convicted by the Thai government before they made it to the US. And you know what? After going through hell and back, they still did it legally.
No one can tell me that it's fair that my family went through that and I still need to pay taxes to support welfare for illegal immigrants. It's not fair. Literally.

So yes, I very much want the border secured, and I want everyone without the proper documents deported back to where they came from. They are more than welcome to come back as long as they follow the proper legal system.

P.S - Have y'all noticed how the media no longer calls them "illegal immigrants"? They're simply referred to as "migrants" as if they were legal. They can literally cross the border and get support from the government. That's jacked up.

You are so correct on all the points that you made.

And it does disgusts me that everybody calls them migrants when they're illegal invaders. They come here at will and stay here at will and nobody does anything about it. They even commit crimes and are let loose again to commit more crimes.

What kind of a messed up country would allow this?

« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 06:51:31 PM by -gg- » ICOM for short.