Author Topic: Tempest environment mapping bug  (Read 278 times)

Offline Greebo

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Tempest environment mapping bug
« on: December 07, 2022, 02:33:24 AM »
There's a bug with the Tempest's lighting effects, the environmental files (TMPBTM_E.bmp, TMPSIDE_E.bmp, TMPSTAB_E.bmp) are not working. When I use a solid fill of pure white for these files what should happen is a chrome-like mirror finish, instead all that happens is that the skin lighting gets a bit darker than with pure black (environment mapping turned off) files. The skin viewer screenshots below show the issue. I tested a different aircraft with a pure white environmental file and it resulted in the expected chrome finish, so this is not a problem with my setup.

Additionally the Tempest's power mapping seems very weak, even with pure black power files the solar reflections are quite sharp and do not spread very far. Not sure if this is a global setting or it can be tuned for each 3d shape, but I thought I would mention it.