Author Topic: End of Sortie Window  (Read 2232 times)

Offline Comedian

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End of Sortie Window
« on: December 21, 2022, 06:34:59 PM »
In the interest of retaining new players and adding something new for the old players I suggest the following:

A window that pops up at the end of your sortie showing perks lost/gained and points you scored etc.

Might even show who and what you killed.

I believe this would be extremely helpful for the new player and give them the feeling of accomplishment necessary to make them want to up another plane and try again. The average joe is not going to know returning to the hangar screen will show perks and if they are not watching the chat buffer they won't even know any points they landed in a bomber.

This just seems like a really cool feature that would help everyone. Anyway. thanks for listening. I would tell a stupid joke but I'm a Victim of Changes.


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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2022, 06:48:18 PM »
I like this idea.
Kommando Nowotny

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2022, 07:49:44 PM »
I like the idea, however I would make it an option to be selected in Preferences. Perhaps make it default "yes" but allow it to be turned off if desired. That would insure new players had the option selected by default.
CO Sic Puppies MWK
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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2022, 11:40:34 PM »
I like it.   :aok

Offline GasTeddy

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2022, 02:43:30 AM »
Good idea, even I do not collect points or find them important. Many times I have no clue did I really achieve something or not and that info could be useful in the mean of learning.

Another thing what comes to the ending of a mission; several times I have managed to crawl back to base with seriously shot up, barely controllable kite and landing has gone out of the runway. Once, all the engines stalled and in a deadstick belly landing (gear shot away) I was left about 30 feet short. "You ditched".

Gives like a picture that if you don't land exactly to the runway, your mission was a total failure. Kind of annoying after several kills or really well gone bomb run.

Offline Tig

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2022, 09:52:44 AM »
Good idea, even I do not collect points or find them important. Many times I have no clue did I really achieve something or not and that info could be useful in the mean of learning.

Another thing what comes to the ending of a mission; several times I have managed to crawl back to base with seriously shot up, barely controllable kite and landing has gone out of the runway. Once, all the engines stalled and in a deadstick belly landing (gear shot away) I was left about 30 feet short. "You ditched".

Gives like a picture that if you don't land exactly to the runway, your mission was a total failure. Kind of annoying after several kills or really well gone bomb run.

Agreed, I think the whole acreage of the base should be green sortie button. One time I stuck a really really shot up Moss on the gear but overran the runway into the grass. I had no engines, so I was really stinkin' mad because I had like 3-4 kills on that sortie.
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2022, 03:28:15 PM »
Good idea, even I do not collect points or find them important. Many times I have no clue did I really achieve something or not and that info could be useful in the mean of learning.

Another thing what comes to the ending of a mission; several times I have managed to crawl back to base with seriously shot up, barely controllable kite and landing has gone out of the runway. Once, all the engines stalled and in a deadstick belly landing (gear shot away) I was left about 30 feet short. "You ditched".

Gives like a picture that if you don't land exactly to the runway, your mission was a total failure. Kind of annoying after several kills or really well gone bomb run.

Hitech gave his opinion on this years ago. I dont have the thread handy, but Im sure you could find it if you wanted to/dont trust my memory, but basically he said that if you cant stop it on the runway then YES you have failed and so you get the ditch. It just the last obstacle to getting a "complete" and the "you have landed successfully"message.

Offline whiteman

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2022, 03:36:37 PM »
I like this.

Offline GasTeddy

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2022, 03:57:49 PM »
I trust your memory, The Fugitive. IMHO, it is like denying air victories from those WW2 pilots, who after successful combat had to land outside of the runway. Or calling loosers those guys returning from bombing mission in shot up kite, barely making it back, perhaps with wounded or killed comrades onboard and landing goes bit wrong.

Offline Slade

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2022, 05:52:05 PM »
-- Flying as X15 --

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2022, 06:39:00 PM »
I trust your memory, The Fugitive. IMHO, it is like denying air victories from those WW2 pilots, who after successful combat had to land outside of the runway. Or calling loosers those guys returning from bombing mission in shot up kite, barely making it back, perhaps with wounded or killed comrades onboard and landing goes bit wrong.

(Image removed from quote.)

As this is a game and those are real life I can see your point, but Hitech said that there had to be a line and he decided the line was the runway. He also said if he extended 20 feet off the runway was good, players would start complaining that it should be 40 feet and so on. So the runway was his choice.

Kinda like football. get tackled 1 yard short on forth down and it doesnt matter that the team got the ball there from their own 10 yard line in under 2 minutes. Its short so no touchdown, no points.

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2022, 09:33:53 PM »
As this is a game and those are real life I can see your point, but Hitech said that there had to be a line and he decided the line was the runway. He also said if he extended 20 feet off the runway was good, players would start complaining that it should be 40 feet and so on. So the runway was his choice.

Kinda like football. get tackled 1 yard short on forth down and it doesnt matter that the team got the ball there from their own 10 yard line in under 2 minutes. Its short so no touchdown, no points.

"Fourth"  :aok

From Wiley: If you're hitting them after they drop, that's not defense, that is revenge.
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Offline JimmyD3

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2022, 10:11:12 PM »
"Fourth"  :aok


 :rofl :rofl Merry Christmas Coogan
CO Sic Puppies MWK
USAF 1971-76

Offline GasTeddy

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2022, 10:30:04 AM »
As this is a game and those are real life I can see your point, but Hitech said that there had to be a line and he decided the line was the runway. He also said if he extended 20 feet off the runway was good, players would start complaining that it should be 40 feet and so on. So the runway was his choice.

Kinda like football. get tackled 1 yard short on forth down and it doesnt matter that the team got the ball there from their own 10 yard line in under 2 minutes. Its short so no touchdown, no points.

But 4 kills or white flagged base are still four kills and white flag even in the game, let alone in real combat. Results do not disappear, even if the mission ends up on the grass next from runway. IRL wheels up landings were made rather not to the runway, as grass is smoother and wreck does not disappear with mouse click.

Like I have told, points are not so important for me but I like realism in games. I see this obligatory runway kind of disrespect towards veterans, who put their lives in great danger and made it back but ended up on grass. "You ditched" 10 feet from pavement is like a slap on face after you've done your best.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: End of Sortie Window
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2022, 03:33:17 PM »
But 4 kills or white flagged base are still four kills and white flag even in the game, let alone in real combat. Results do not disappear, even if the mission ends up on the grass next from runway. IRL wheels up landings were made rather not to the runway, as grass is smoother and wreck does not disappear with mouse click.

Like I have told, points are not so important for me but I like realism in games. I see this obligatory runway kind of disrespect towards veterans, who put their lives in great danger and made it back but ended up on grass. "You ditched" 10 feet from pavement is like a slap on face after you've done your best.

your best wasnt good enough to get your name in lights, get ON the runway.