How do you think he should add submarines, game play wise? Never mind damage modeling, addition of depth charges/hedgehogs and their effects, fire/flooding damage, etc.
This isn't a snarky/sarcastic thing. It is a legit question. I can think of a couple of things that should/could be added for the larger picture, some obvious.
One thing that should be included with submarines are convoy's of supply ships, as well as small (2-4) groups and lone supply ships running supplies. The larger convoys would be escorted by bot K's and/or DE's that will actively hunt you for X time/distance from convoy if you are detected and/or respond to your attack. Some supply ships are armed, others not, depending. Need to have more viable targets than the TG's that have ships do some cray-cray maneuvers when changing course (something that should be looked at). And can't make it easy like road convoy's (at least trains shot at you).
Submarine Pen's added to ports that act as hangers and a submarine tender added to TG's as well. Maybe create a submarine port with a submarine tender TG with escorts as another means of launching submarines around the map?

The addition of ASW ords to aircraft that carried them, like the TBF for example.
But how do you play the submarine? What kind of options and configurations could it have (doesn't need extreme detail, just a basic bare bones)? The only submarine game I've ever played was Aces of the Deep (which was 27-ish yrs ago), so I'd be very hard pressed to provide anything beyond the most of basic concepts. But I know for a fact that a few of you here have played the Silent Hunter series, which to my understanding was more accurate and in-depth.
Would it play somewhat like WoWs submarines, minus the stupid homing torpedoes, or would it play somewhat like AoD submarines? How could the damage control work? Could we set a waypoint for the long hauls and let the submarine "do it's thing" to get there? Time to a location will take
forever without some way of speeding that up, unless he tosses spawn points everywhere (which could kill the immersion/fun). Even I would be hard pressed to sit there the entire time (seeing as subs were not very fast, even on the surface), and I used to fly strategic runs
a lot.
To make myself clear, I am
not against the idea of having submarines in AH. Not by a long shot. I could easily see myself using them every now and again, especially if there are convoy's involved.