« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2023, 12:46:29 PM »
Are you talking about for nighttime?
It seems curious to me. If people are just going to turn up gamma to negate the night, why not get rid of the night and let people turn down their gamma to simulate flying in darkness.
The later would be a much smaller population effected I imagine.

The night dynamic is cool to me. It gets a little extra dark in some places on some maps. Even adjusting the gamma doesn’t completely relieve the night but it makes it more bearable. Depends on your display settings too, you can’t move the gamma too much before it’s a washout.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 01:19:29 PM by Dadtallica »

Back in 2022 after a loooooong break from 2010. Old name Ratpack, same for the BBS.
Squad I did the most tours with were the Excaliburs then The 172nd Rabid Dogs. Still trying to talk Illigaf, Coola, Oldman22, and Joecrow into coming back instead of being boring old farts!