Well guys, I have pretty decided on the tm16000 fcs for my hotas and the quest 2 for the vr... I am going to rely on the twist axis
of this stick for yaw but I still have a few questions about the quest 2
1) How much RAM does AH need?
I have the 128GB version and have no trouble. I also only play a couple of games in VR so dont need a lot.
2) From what I have read, it seems I could play AH from a download from Meta or from the AH s/w...
have I misread this?
I launch "voiceattack", the quest ii, then click the DX11 version of AH on the desktop, click the "yes" when it askes If I want to do VR and off we go. Voice Attack is a program (free for 10 commands, $10 for unlimited commands) that you can tie voice commands to key commands. Works really good.
3) I also read that with directly with AH, the quest 2 is actually an extension of my monitor
The monitor will mirror the Quest video.
4) I am near sighted and so do I need the optional lenses?
I use inserts and they work well. Mine isnt horrible and I CAN run without, but prefer the lens. Dont use your glasses unless you have something small that sits close to your face. Scratching the quest screens would suck.
5) Do the hotas/quest 2 interfere with each other?
I havnt any trouble. If I leave them on my desk they set off the warning grid that warns you if you roaming out of your play area, so I just loop the handles over the arms of my chair.
6) Is a headset needed so that members of my house hold do not hear the cussing from myself or others?
I havnt gotten any complains, but yes others can hear what your hearing. Not sure how comfortable a headset OVER the Quest would be
7) How is the quest 2 connected... bluetooth, wifi or cable?
WIFI, but you can buy a cable (do some research, some dont work well with the quest ii) This gives you longer play times as the headset runs off the USB power with the cable.
I am sure I will have more questions but the above, to me, are the main
Thx, RAM
Bring em!