OK guys bringing up this old thread as I am taking a break from the late-model '47s and working my way back through the earlier ones.
As I review this thread, these candidates for the 79th FG P-47D-25 stand out as possibilities:
X-27 "Mister Lucky" - however unsure of the color of the name art - possibly green with black outline, i.e. "luck of the Irish". Or it could be yellow; seems to match the center stripe of the rear fuselage band of the photo of X-02. Or red, as it seems close to the shade of the red "NO STEP" block on the inner rear wing. Really seems like just a guess.
X-39 "West By Gawd Virginia" - probably the best in terms of reference material to eliminate guesswork but still relies on an artist's color profile.
X-38 Cowl squad art on on right side suggests all 85thFS bore the squad emblem on both R & L sides. No left side view of this aircraft so any other nose art is an open question
X-35 "Sweetheart" - profile shows it as a D-40; however photos show lack of tail fin suggesting pre-D30. Not sure if X-35 is red, profile show red but that seems unique among 79th FG Jugs and it is only artwork, not photo evidence. The only example of the female figure nose art lacks detail so it would be more of a challenge to do than X-39.
I'm leaning either X-27 or X-39.