Hydro beats soil imo
Both have their challenges but yes you can generally pinpoint issues in hydro much easier. I make my own dirt so I don’t mind it. I’m fact I was noticing one of tube plants is starting to burn a bit but I just gave them a worm castings top layer and a fresh round of compost tea.
I’ll be surprised if this doesn’t get lock asap. Until then I have a press and can say once you get one you’ll be glad you did! You can decarb the rosin to make edibles and it will not add the sometimes nasty taste or give you dry mouth simply because you can use small amounts.
There’s many things I’ve done with herb,it’s been a hobby of mine for many years but I won’t get into it in this open forum,besides it’s against the rules.
I’d be open to questions,just shoot me a pm.

I have been pricing them out, I don’t need anything fancy. There is a hydro shop down the street from me that presses your stuff for you with their giant one. It’s definitely cool!
Not sure what we’re discussing that is wrong… if so wouldn’t we have to go back and remove all the posts about booze? You know drugs and all. I guess for a game that craves new subscriptions, old thoughts will need to evolve?