I might say that I agree with having Dar bars, no icons, just to show people there is a fight going on the map when they first log in. It might appear pretty confusing that nothing is going on when they enter.
Check stall limiter. That may have been on. I felt my plane doing some interesting tugging, and I think someone else noticed it too. I'm curious if we should try the first round planes for only 30min and then jump to the other planes? This might keep guys on longer or bring more in before 12? Idk, just throwing it out there.
Thanks for hosting!!
Noted on the items that you pointed out. They may not all come to pass, but acknowledging that you have mentioned them.
Thanks for coming out again to everyone. The thing that I really appreciated the most was the side balance. I know that several of you sacrificed the side you wanted to fly on to bring balance to the event. You guys are indeed the embodiment of Anakin Skywalker.

Thank you for your sacrifice.
We'll continue to try different settings and modifications until most of us are happy with the setup.
As was also mentioned, we need more pilots!
It can not be one person's responsibility to grow our numbers. It just can't be...
I am hoping that we can work together to keep the event we love going. Yes, it would certainly be more fun with more planes to shoot at, and "Yes", that is what the other guy is saying.

We're getting close to the Holidays. Not sure when we will have CC XLVI. But I also hope that when it runs there will be 40 of us in the air with balance.
Thanks for your time and your support. See you next time.