I realize the developer has had some serious issues. Just asking, are any new features going to be added to the game at this point on?
It could be outsourced to another dev for changes etc. I guess I'm looking for a statement of direction of whether to invest in coming back to the game.
Thank you. 
My "guess" is we wont hear anything to this type of question.
IF HTC would come out and say something along the lines of "We are in full maintain mode at this time with no plans to add anything new to the game" (which it what most long time players believe IS the situation) it could cause a lot of players to call it quits and move on to something else. Which of course would accelerate the end of the game (most think that once the subscriptions no longer cover the cost of keeping the servers running they will shut it down).
IF HTC was going to upgrade the game any more we would have heard something over the last few years, yes its been YEARS since any updates. I also think that if HTC was looking to out source any work they would have all ready. The same goes for the possible sale of the game. A year after COVID hit would have been a great time to sell or start a rebuild because the numbers were better with better income due to the influx of subscriptions due to being home bound for COVID. that bump is gone so the numbers dont look as good to a bank for either loans to rebuild or for another company to buy it up.
So, the game is on cruise control as it has been for the last 5 years and it looks like it will continue in the same vein until they close it down. On the other hand, its still a great game with a lot of fun to still be had by those looking for dogfights, coordinated missions both in the air and on the ground. Its all still there. Im still paying my subscription as I have for over 20 years. I hope that HTC will someday start adding stuff again, even if its just tweaking what we already have. Im not sure Id like to see it sold because that didnt work out so well the last I lived through that (Air Warriors) sometime change is too much. But I'll stick around until the end having fun and hoping someday Hitech will want to turn the burners back up and get things cooking again!