Author Topic: Request of Mitsu, Flakbait, or anyone else who may have downloaded my sounds...  (Read 1181 times)

Offline fscott

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I just realized that Tripod and NBCi have DELETED my accounts.  With it ALL my hard work at creating engine wavs for Aces High.

Tripod really screwed me bigtime.  I was using them as a remote loading page occasionally, but I guess they didn't realize I had a valid webpage on there. Some of you remember this?

Anyway, If someone still has all my unaltered wavs I would deeply appreciate getting them back.

Of course I could start making new wavs again, but there were a few in there that I really loved like the 190a5 wav.

This is just really unbelievable.  NBCI simply deleted my account without even suspending it first. Amazing how these people can get away with things like this.

Wouldn't this be the same as if your local bank just decided to burn all your money because you tried to buy some illegal item with your bank card?

I mean those were MY hard work.

Offline Mitsu

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Hang on, fscott.

I have all your nice sounds.   :)
I'm uploading those files to my FTP now.


My connection is poor ISDN.
I'll tell address of zipped sound file after 50 minutes.

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Mitsu ]

Offline Mitsu

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Upload completed.
It's available from here.

Check whether there are all sound files which you made in it.


Offline fscott

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Thank a million Mitsu!

I knew I could count on you fine folks. I am sorry for ever shooting you down!

Really, I appreciate it. Although I'm not into Aces High right now, I'm am always keeping an eye on it's development.

I just downloaded the file and yes they contain even my latest versions!  Your a king Mitsu!

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: fscott ]

Offline Pongo

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THanks again fscott for all the great files.

Offline BenDover

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Originally posted by fscott:
This is just really unbelievable.  NBCI simply deleted my account without even suspending it first. Amazing how these people can get away with things like this.

Hmmm, so they deleted all your stuff without an e-mail warning you? That sounds criminal!!!  :mad:

Offline fscott

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yes ben.  I guess its the state of things now with web hosting services. If they see some image files or wav files on their server that isn't linked to inside a homepage on their server, they assume u must be using it as remote hosting service.

On NBCI I was, but not on tripod. I emailed em and all I get are automated responses.

Offline Mitsu

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No Problem, fscott.

I wish I can fight with you over the blue sky again someday.


Offline Westy MOL

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And try not to piss Corn off too much over there  ;)


Offline fscott

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Ah ha..Westy you have been following.

It's interesting, Corn is crying sweat and tears about how he's put together this great sound module for WW2ol... and the dern game doesn't even have a rifle reload sound.