I've been keeping a log of ideas/wish list items since AH 3 was released, and it's grown large enough that I thought I'd share for it reactions/comments. These aren't in any particular order of importance; I just jotted ideas down when I thought of them. More than a few have been thought of or mentioned before by others previously. This is just sort of a laundry list.
Aces High 3 Notes, Wish List- More/different map tiles - would like autumn map tiles, & the ability to include desert tiles in with other tile sets, so regions of terrains could be displayed properly as deserts.
- Would like mapmakers to be able to include special objects to give towns character - Eiffel Tower, cathedrals, temples, Amiens prison, for example.
- Would like in-game feed of clipboard map and "Country Status" function available on webpage, so we could see how many players are logged in, which map is up and for how long, current game time, etc from AH website
- Add code restrictions to prevent level bombers from being used as dive bombers.
- Every plane should have damage graphics like the P-39Q. Damaged ailerons and rudders SHOW as damaged parts, they don't just disappear. It's wonderful.
- Finish the Tempest 3D model. Last one left, please complete.
- Make the runway fringes valid end-of-sortie landing, so we can pull off runway, park and shut down, exit and still get credit for sortie.
- Create random spawns along runway fringes. I dislike spawning inside another A/C on the runway. Immersion breaker for me.
- Add a perk point bonus for spawning from a hangar and using taxiways to taxi to runway for takeoff
- Reduce size of (+) and (-) images on clipboard map. Much too large IMO.
- Add #sorties to webpage pilot stats
- Darken the shade of drop tanks surface so it doesn't washout white
- I wish nearby 88mm AA explosions would 'shake' the cockpit view momentarily, along with explosion and rattle/shrapnel sound effects
- I wish ships could get crippled by damage, i.e. list to one side, tilt bow or stern down, stop in place, etc
- Additional animations of sinking ships - roll over, break in half, settle in water by stern or bow and disappear beneath waves, etc
- Would like VBase spawns from undestroyed hangars only, so GVs could not spawn inside burning hangar
- Would like fire to cause damage to vehicle so tanks can't sit in burning VHs for cover
- Would like ability to load maps larger than 512x512 into clipboard, with zooming and panning functions available (for scenario mission maps)
- Would like a position on roof of tower to watch airfield operations. Maybe be able to 'bail out' of tower position, and you become a pilot figure on the balcony who can move around.
- Would like to be able to shoot colored flares from pilot position, tank commander position, and tower balcony or rooftop position.
- Would like external view for GVs enabled
- Would like to be able to exit/re-enter GVs, and have binocular-style zoom view. External figure could be the paratroop soldier.
- Please show cargo inside GVs - either troops sitting or cargo boxes, visible when looking in rear view
- Would like freighter convoys as targets; their function is to move supplies to ports and dock there while unloading - need destroyable cranes long the quays.
- Would like more trains, RR marshalling yards, RR tunnels through mountains, and destroyable RR bridges.
- Would like torpedo tracks-wakes to be made much more visible in the water
- If you are PK'd or your plane explodes from critical hits, would like to switch immediately to external chase view, just as if you bailed out and hit 'F4' external view - so you can see your plane spiral down and hit ground before being placed in tower again. IIRC, Warbirds did this. Sort of an 'angel' view.