Also, imo, they should send the Ronald Reagan to the Black Sea.......
I doubt a USN CV could transit the Bosporus Strait, but the frigate I served on sure made it. We had communist assets trying to harass us the entire time. Our gunmounts had the tubes elevated to the stops and we were forbidden from excersing the mounts. That didnt stop us from having the handling rooms fully stocked with a watch in the handling room and another in the magazine.
While there our CO tossed the commie boat a trash bag containg a ships cap.
Port and starboard watches were a pain, but that was part of the job.
I still have my enlistment contract, when you enlist Uncle Sam owns you lock, stock, and barrel.
Those were good times.
I really doubt a CV group has much to worry about beyond a russia nuke strike/sub attack. Theres just not much that can reach that far out to sea.......