I finally downloaded it for my new AH installation. Very very nice.

I would recommend just distributing it as a ZIP file though. My AH sound path is "d:\Program Files\Aces High\sounds", so I pointed the installer (using the "..." box) at that directory.
When I installed part 1 it put the files in "d:\Program Files\Aces High\sounds\HTC\Aces High\sounds".
Part 2 put files in some other interesting location. I think it was "d:\Program Files\HTC\Aces High\sounds".
The patch actually put the files where it was supposed to.
It wasn't a disaster because I was able to manually move the files to the proper locations once I figured out what was happening. But if I just had a zip file with subdirectories that I could extract to the "sounds" directory, it would have been easier.
Just nitpicking though, really nice job!!!
[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: funkedup ]