Okay so I went through both windows and AH3 and set everything to STEREO SPEAKERS / HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO DEVICE. Now it is working but that may change...
If speakers disappear again, just change Stereo Speakers to Dolby Surround and next time just back. I normally shuttle between them when bug hits. With me this happens only in AH, not in any other sim/game I have in my mill.
This is exactly what is happening to me now. Over two years with this rig and it never occurred before last week. What an absolute PITA. I hope Hitech has some solution in the works. There are a few of us with this issue now.
Ok folks this is a thing now. Played all night and then went away for maybe an hour. Tried logging back in and the game hung up it crashed and then my next try I got the error.
Well not sure why but a simple restart and reseating my usb headset fixed it. I use the Jabre 75
Yep mine are still screwed. Funny thing is they work perfectly in OFFLINE mode every time. But online no.