Author Topic: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are  (Read 12865 times)

Offline hazmatt

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IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« on: December 03, 2023, 04:48:27 PM »
Current prices are:
Stalingrad is $19.99
Planes are $4.00

I'm not sure if that's a good deal or normal pricing.

Offline Devil 505

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2023, 04:57:48 PM »
Great prices for those. About 75% off regular.
Kommando Nowotny

Offline yipi

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2023, 04:59:48 PM »
Their pretty awesome in VR. Went to the site and saw all the sales. U can get Tank battle for around 20 dollars.i don't have Normandy so I will get it today. Their sales don't last long. I have missed good deals by waiting to long
 :angel:. The Flying Circus is my favorite
« Last Edit: December 03, 2023, 05:06:14 PM by yipi »

Offline hazmatt

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2023, 05:23:24 PM »
Cool! Thanks for the quick response. I'm gonna get me something. Any recommendations for somebody just starting?
Was thinking maybe Stalingrad and some of the 4.99 planes.

How do the planes work? Could I buy a plane from the latest expansion and fly it in Stalingrad?

Offline yipi

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2023, 05:30:47 PM »
U can fly all planes in all maps. It's usually cheaper to just buy the premium versions and get all the planes. I would get stalingrad and first . The planes are easy to setup and fly unlike DCS  :embarrassed:

Offline hazmatt

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2023, 05:32:47 PM »
Nice! I'm gonna get the D9 and rule the Stalingrad map! hah!

One more question. Will you get all the planes if you buy the premium versions or are there planes that aren't included on an of the premium versions that are extra?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2023, 05:38:43 PM by hazmatt »

Offline yipi

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2023, 05:38:47 PM »
Multi-player is free but it's hard to play because they don't have identifiers to show what side the planes are on. I kinda quit playing in them because I was shooting down my trammates

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2023, 05:40:28 PM »
The site list the planes u get

Offline hazmatt

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2023, 05:44:20 PM »
Looks like there's some like the Hurri 2 that don't come with any of the expansions and some like the c202 and p40 that I wouldn't consider "premium" lol

Trying to figure this out as I go.

Offline yipi

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2023, 05:50:03 PM »
I just bought Normandy and Tank Battle so I should have all their stuff now.  Curious how TNk Battle will be. Will let yall know

Offline Devil 505

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2023, 05:51:36 PM »
You need to start with Stalingrad. It's the base game and all other packages are essentially DLC.

From there you can add on anything else, but non-Stalingrad items will be of limited use if you only have the Stalingrad game. For example, the only way you'll be able to use a Dora on the Stalingrad terrain is in the quick mission builder.

But that Dora would be much more useful to you if you are planning on playing online. The way online works is that anyone can plan on any map, even if they never bought the package with that map - they are just limited to the planes they did buy. So if you only bought Stalingrad and a Dora, you could play on a server with the Bodenplatte map with your Dora. And you could use Stalingrad planes on any server that has those planes enabled. Other than the one furball server, all the others that tend to be populated are set up Axis vs Allies with a historical-ish plane set. Those populated servers are also full realism servers, with engine management and no icons.

I haven't played online over there in about a year, so I don't know how often maps with Stalingrad planes are used these days, but the Normandy map was in use the majority of the time then. I imagine with the new Normandy map now being available now, it's just as popular. So I would lean more towards getting some later war and English Channel stuff. I'd say the 109G-6 is a must and probably the Spit V and 190A-3. The G-6/AS and Spit XIV (high back) should cover the late war stuff, if you don't want to just buy the Bodenplatte or Normandy packs outright.

Kommando Nowotny

Offline Devil 505

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2023, 05:55:46 PM »
Looks like there's some like the Hurri 2 that don't come with any of the expansions and some like the c202 and p40 that I wouldn't consider "premium" lol

Trying to figure this out as I go.

The Hurri was made stand alone and not part of any specific theme.

On the other hand, the P-40 and C.202 was premium for the Moscow package. The P-40 might be useful to you, but I would leave the C.202 alone. It sucks and was not even accurate for the Moscow campaign in reality.
Kommando Nowotny

Offline hazmatt

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2023, 05:57:57 PM »
Thanks for all the info.

I'm guessing that buying Stalingrad and Tank battle wouldn't give me two accounts.
I'm looking to be able to play with my kids as I had been hoping to do with AH.

What would be the best way to to do that?

I think I'm gonna buy Stalingrad premium and the D9 and Hurri2. Think that would be a good start?

Also I might buy Tank battle or Stalingrad as needed for a 2nd account.

Offline Devil 505

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2023, 05:59:53 PM »
Also, I want to mention this in case you(or anyone else) are not aware: The Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings - Tobruk are entirely different games and absolutely nothing is common between them and the other current IL-2 titles.
Kommando Nowotny

Offline Devil 505

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Re: IL2 sale any good? Dunno what the "normal" prices are
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2023, 06:02:54 PM »
Thanks for all the info.

I'm guessing that buying Stalingrad and Tank battle wouldn't give me two accounts.
I'm looking to be able to play with my kids as I had been hoping to do with AH.

What would be the best way to to do that?

I think I'm gonna buy Stalingrad premium and the D9 and Hurri2. Think that would be a good start?

Also I might buy Tank battle or Stalingrad as needed for a 2nd account.

The tank stuff will be on the same account. I just don't know how it's incorporated game play wise. I've never used the tanks and don't intend to.

Do your kids currently play the game? It may be best to see what they are usually doing and try to make your purchases fit in.
Kommando Nowotny