Perhaps a sloppy definition of the word
alive ?
Even the (much older, and much more crappy looking) Warbirds is "alive". For the vast majority of simmers, none of these two sims are alive. They don't even exist. Besides, sim vs game, what's the difference? Those who want a "game" obviously flock to War Thunder. Those who want a "sim" flock to DCS/MSFS/X-Plane. Those who want a nice flight model, nice gameplay (without having to set up millions of buttons) go to IL-2 (also a game/sim). People are still playing many of the really old sim/games too. The older version of IL-2, or Falcon 4 and so on. Lots of older sims/games are "alive" and people enjoy them.
Alive in the game/simming world obviously means a game that is being actively developed. When development stops, it heads straight down into a niche for a dedicated few die hards.
Lots of discussions about this (outside the AH community at least

). War Thunder and MSFS draws people into flight sims. Lots of them stay (or quit), but lots of them move on to DCS/X-Plane/Il-2 and a few others depending on their preferences. A long time ago, Warbirds drew people in, and then AH also for some limited time. That time is long gone, we are talking 20+ years. AH III isn't that old, but it was only a new make up on the old pig. Nothing really changed regarding the game play, FM or anything else.