I played flight sims on large screen TVs with TrackIR for years and loved it.
When the hardware went to 4K as a playable resolution, it looked absolutely amazing.
I started with the original Oculus Rift.
The experience was amazing, but the resolution was just too low for dogfighting.
So, I split my time between flat panel and VR.
I upgraded to the Rift S.
The resolution was still a little rough, but now I could see well enough to dogfight.
I now spent most of my time flying in VR, but still flew flat panel for certain situations.
Then I got the Reverb G2.
I almost never use the flat panel for any flight sims.
I just got the Quest 3 not long ago and it proved to be a decent step up from the G2 with better color/brightness/clarity.
I only use the flat panel when doing things where I need to see the keyboard and/or control panels, such as mapping all the controls for each aircraft in DCS World.
Every now and then I fly flat panel just to enjoy the graphics, but I fly and fight much better with VR compared to flat panel/trackIR.