22:05:25 Departed from Field #36 in a Fw 190A-5
22:21:36 Shot down a Yak-9U flown by jvrodan.
22:32:22 Helps Spikes shoot down BigNasdy.
22:34:21 Helps SMcGavin shoot down LNG15.
22:55:32 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #29.
23:25:59 Shot down a Tu-2S flown by fishngy.
23:42:24 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:56:04 Helps SNO shoot down Dantoo.
23:57:56 Shot down a La-5FN flown by Steely.
23:58:08 Was shot down by Dantoo (crashed).
That was an hour and 53 some odd minute sortie you ended for me Dantoo haha wtg

After MoTA ended I was afraid I might not find that type of excitement again for a while but tonight showed just a week later that we can still get a good taste of it in FSO. <S> to both sides.
Top Squads: Objects Destroyed
325th Checkertails VFG: 22
Arabian Knights: 18
Top Squads: Kills
Arabian Knights: 39
Kommando Nowotny: 22
JG11 Sonderstaffel: 19
Way to go AK’s, you guys crushed it tonight.