Author Topic: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.  (Read 7830 times)

Offline haggerty

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2024, 01:14:22 AM »
The first time I ran into TheStig I had 10 kills going and decided to help out a squaddie in trouble before RTB, he got both of us.... I love all my matches with him.
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Offline Banshee7

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2024, 08:26:32 AM »
Because I still have many long time friends here that I get PMs from on a regular bases. Why do you feel the need to push me completely out of the game by pushing me off the boards too? There's a chance that I'd come back to play with some long time buddies but not much of a chance if you push me off the board and I no longer get PMs or communicate with them in ways related to the game.

I know you may find it shocking but I have helped more then one returning player get up and running via these forums even thought I was not currently "in" the game.

No one is pushing you away from anything.  As a matter of fact, I welcome you back to the MAs.  However, if this was the true intention of your post, there are a plethora of ways you could have worded it.  Instead, you chose to include other names and possible causes like some teenager stirring up drama on social media. 

Since, I'm an educator, I took the time to properly model an example for you below: 

Title:  TheStig

"Hey guys, has anyone heard from TheStig lately? I've sent him a PM, but he has not replied.  If you run into him , could you ask him to check the forums for my message?"

Can you spot the difference between this example and your post?


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Offline Max

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2024, 09:13:48 AM »
I smell smoke. :aok

Has anyone called the fire department yet? :old:

Offline hazmatt

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2024, 09:59:52 AM »
Contrats! You guys win. I'll stop reading and responding on the forums.  Go find somebody else to run off :)

It seems to me that you guys would welcome participation either on the forums or the game that would help keep it alive. To me seeing active content on the forum about squad rivalries and such would make it appear to me that a game still had something going on. Concern that a long time player might be hanging up his hat would should me that there was community.   However it seems pretty obvious that the "word police" are more interested in telling me "what" I can say and "how" I should say things.

I was on the fence about signing back up to goof around with the "hunting Skyyr" thing that I had proposed. I thought it might be fun. I found it fascinating that people appeared to get butthurt over "hunting Skyyr" even though Skyyr wasn't upset about it. (I know this for a fact because I PMed him about it)

Send me a PM if you want to get a hold of me as after today reading and responding to posts today, I plan on taking an extended, break from the forums as well as the game.

Offline waystin2

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2024, 11:25:41 AM »
Has anyone called the fire department yet? :old:
  :rofl  :bolt:
CO for the Pigs On The Wing
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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2024, 11:32:40 AM »
Contrats! You guys win. I'll stop reading and responding on the forums.  Go find somebody else to run off :)

It seems to me that you guys would welcome participation either on the forums or the game that would help keep it alive. To me seeing active content on the forum about squad rivalries and such would make it appear to me that a game still had something going on. Concern that a long time player might be hanging up his hat would should me that there was community.   However it seems pretty obvious that the "word police" are more interested in telling me "what" I can say and "how" I should say things.

I was on the fence about signing back up to goof around with the "hunting Skyyr" thing that I had proposed. I thought it might be fun. I found it fascinating that people appeared to get butthurt over "hunting Skyyr" even though Skyyr wasn't upset about it. (I know this for a fact because I PMed him about it)

Send me a PM if you want to get a hold of me as after today reading and responding to posts today, I plan on taking an extended, break from the forums as well as the game.

You first post Way brought to the front, because he’s another former player crapping on the bbs. He’s just another DipTrip former player fan/gang. Doing their best to discourage players. He
Moved POTW to a kiddy game.

No one ran you off. Posting about other games helps us zero. Drama helps us zero.

Btw, DCS has severe money problems, careful where you invest. IL-2 also has team issues, they lost a main programmer to that self made Combat sim. Time will catch up. DipTrips needs you to save his investment in DCS. He still selling it knowing they hang on a thread. He doesn’t want you to know that part anymore than he wants to talk prices, both would defeat his effort to skim players with bad info. 9 mos behind on payroll is a huge deal. Shhhhh don’t talk about that.

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2024, 11:37:25 AM »
  :rofl  :bolt:

Bet he has issues maintaining a relationship. No one like punks.

See, just another pc punk. Glad ur gone, child

Offline GasTeddy

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2024, 02:03:22 PM »

 IL-2 also has team issues, they lost a main programmer to that self made Combat sim. Time will catch up.

Jason left quite some time ago. After latest update at IL-2, it's running smooth as silk in my ancient mill with ultra graphics and almost all the annoying bugs are gone. Maybe time is really catching up.

Offline Tumor

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2024, 09:01:03 PM »
Btw, DCS has severe money problems, careful where you invest. IL-2 also has team issues, they lost a main programmer to that self made Combat sim. Time will catch up. DipTrips needs you to save his investment in DCS. He still selling it knowing they hang on a thread. He doesn’t want you to know that part anymore than he wants to talk prices, both would defeat his effort to skim players with bad info. 9 mos behind on payroll is a huge deal. Shhhhh don’t talk about that.

Nothing to do with payroll.  It's a legal/contractual matter, as pointed out to you by.... I can't remember.  Another thread.

Servers had more this last weekend than I've ever seen.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2024, 02:28:40 PM »
Nothing to do with payroll.  It's a legal/contractual matter, as pointed out to you by.... I can't remember.  Another thread.

Servers had more this last weekend than I've ever seen.

When payment of production is not paid that is payroll for employees. Meaning, despite ED claiming IP issues and payment for use, withholding payment IS in fact withholding payroll. Where do yall think payroll comes from? This means those employees (some who have recently quit) will not be paid for the work they spent a lot of time on for a module(s).

If I send a construction crew out to build a home, and the homeowner doesn't pay ME for the work, then employees won't get their payroll for that work. Not rocket science.

No matter what the issue is between companies, people are not being paid. And ED claims are a bit foggy since they will not let a court decide, they play judge jury and executioner. and tell whatever story they want. In court it would not go that way. In other countries (including this one) we speak of, payment for work is guaranteed. You can't just say "you voided our contract and therefore we decide what happens and what stories will be told. They just pay and the dispute and fines would be a separate cause. This is where ED is screwing themselves silly.

How long would it take another company to get up and running for ED? Now you have time lapse, and during that time lapse bad things WILL start happening, like consumer confidence, no new products to sell YET.

What you have here is a quagmire they both set themselves in. One violates a contract, one denies payment (payroll) for the product they've received.  I'm sure in a court you cover the breach as a single topic and the payment as a single topic. ED doesn't have the legal right to decide, and my GUESS, if it did go to court, ED would find themselves in the wrong as much as Rasbam.

The way this was handled by both parties makes it almost impossible to resolve differences. devs have already quit. so even if it's  resolved you don't have the skills or manpower you once had. It can only go south.

Despite some's understanding (or lack of) of the core issues, many are advising to not pre-purchase, for good reason. The product simply may not come to be. It doesn't matter what others think,.. many of the community are saying "hold on". The community decides what they will or will not spend on or prepay. This issues just spiked that community.

As far as packed servers, makes all the sense, if you view what the vast of the community is saying, they see a demise coming, as do many others, they want to get time in before (as they assume) they can't. A packed server is not sales. It's post sales. You can have 1m playing, if they aren't buying everything because they have what they want,.... just do the math. NO revenue is no revenue. A packed server does not represent revenue in their method of payment.

Some are claiming ED simply does not have the cash to take it to court for Rasbam payment of server usage(breach). As mentioned above, if no one is buying because they already have what they want,..I can see that happening. It's a horrible payment method. Keeping it out of court allows ED to do as they please with no oversight. Rasbam should get that into court asap.

HT OTOH, can look at how many subscribe and he has his revenue number instantly for that month. Therefore he can plan. ED cannot plan without prepays. You're paying for a product that doesn't exist yet and TRUSTING ED doesn't drop the ball. If you do not know how sales will go that month,.. well... things start to implode. Ed just dropped the ball.

Point being, no matter the reason, ED deciding to withhold funds and playing judge,.. means nothing is being made. They should have paid and taken the breach to court and the court would return that money in a suit for breach. ED,.as much as Rasbam screwed up,... hurt themselves. Something this deep, may never get resolved, and some who have quit think the same way. They have families to feed. ED does NOT have the right to decide what they are owed,.. they can make up any number rasbam could never meet, which means rasbam would work for free forever. This is nonsense, and ED is going to find out the hard way they are not god over laws. Rasbam may be in the wrong, but ED went further. BOTH companies are in breach on different issues. ED is NOT a court.

IF ED is in the right 100% why are they not suing rasbam for defamation in their public statements? Both are just idiots. If you look at the body language and language ED uses, they come off to me as someone with financial issues. If that wasn't true they would have paid rasbam and then resolved the IP issue...maybe in court. I get a strong impression ED is making up excuses to hide their lack of funds. And a court would find that out, they don't want it in court cuz then the community would know they are in trouble, and that would seriously hurt biz. They want this out of court for reasons.

I've spent 6-8 yrs in and around the court system,.... this one has tells.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 02:49:21 PM by Animl-AW »

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2024, 02:39:56 PM »
NOT true I did not take Gman's claim and use it, I looked at his claim and did my own deeper research. I don't believe ANYTHING stated on the Intardnet as valid credibility. I look into it myself, so that I do NOT get it wrong.

Offline AKIron

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2024, 02:44:05 PM »
Nothing to do with payroll.  It's a legal/contractual matter, as pointed out to you by.... I can't remember.  Another thread.

Servers had more this last weekend than I've ever seen.

I don't think he really reads what anyone else says. He reminds me of talking to a flat earther.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2024, 03:02:27 PM »
I don't think he really reads what anyone else says. He reminds me of talking to a flat earther.

Get a life,...If I don't, it's because they have a rep of being YOU. Evidently you just projected yourself on me. You didn't read squat.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 03:05:45 PM by Animl-AW »

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2024, 03:03:49 PM »
One last point,
IF this were to go to court,...Rasbam could have every product it has fingerprints on frozen from sales until the issue is resolved. Another reason ED would not want it in court.

Offline Tumor

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Re: I heard a rumor that I hope is untrue.
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2024, 03:33:11 PM »

If I send a construction crew out to build a home, and the homeowner doesn't pay ME for the work, then employees won't get their payroll for that work. Not rocket science.

Dude... if you own the construction company and send YOUR (contracted) crew out with YOUR equipment to build a house FOR YOU, and said crew runs out with your equipment, and your name, and builds a house for --someone else--, you'd squeak.  You might not even pay them for their contracted time.

Nothing foggy about it.  It's out there.

And FWIW, hazmatt has a point here, regardless of whether or not he meant it the way it was taken.  I dl'd AH for the 100th time not long ago.  I very nearly punched the go button.  Then I thought about certain riffraff turning the MA into a Toilet.... a messy one.  Not to mention a whole lot of the same stupid nonsense I remember from years ago.  Nope, I'll wait for Hitech to clean house, at a minimum.  Nobody wants to "steal players" from AH.  Getting more people in, or back in, would be nothing short of awesome, if not a miracle regarding the dated nature of the game.  AH STILL has one thing that pounds the crap out of every single other form of this genre, and that's community, as much as some seek to destroy it. :airplane:
« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 03:43:19 PM by Tumor »
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann