You could always pull the stats, like I said. I've registered on many forums and never played games there. I registered on IL2 back in 2015 and didnt fly till 2018. Same with DCS.
Unfortunately for you, I genuinely didn't fly until 2013. Too bad, so sad.
More lies, from a proven liar and cheater. How about all your shade accounts, which you've subsequently admitted to and/or posted videos of? Right, Adonai? Ertus, Starfox, Russyn, Achilles... Just off the top of my head. I'm sure that's just a fraction of them.
Every time I poke my head in these forums I find you've one-upped yourself as the most pathetic person I have ever come across in this or any other game. Well, other than Vraciu/Palace_Cobra fluffer accounts. That's a whole 'nother level of crazy.
Dumpster fire doesn't even begin to describe what's happened here in the last 6 months.