You are a piece of garbage animal. Pushing the limits? You mean having a different point of view and a different direction for America other than the insane whoopee clown car show that the liberals forced in our faces?
Dude it has nothing to do with's very obvious he has pushed the limits for years provoking people. It's just the issue, not me. I'm not alone in saying this is not s surprise. It's not. I'm not saying he deserved it, it's games people play. This is RL. Some whacko is going to go over-board, doesn't matter what side,... tensions are sky high.
No one here thinks much of me anyway so,.. grain of salt. nothing new. 3 others will say similar and nothing come of it. Whateva
Just FYI, a Trump supporter at the rally, a witness wh carried the dead man down the bleachers said "I'm not surprised this happened,.. everyone is so worked up...."
Clown car like Gym Jordan?