Author Topic: VR mode not working properly  (Read 204 times)

Offline Whitedock1554

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VR mode not working properly
« on: August 01, 2024, 06:03:18 PM »
Ok, so I have done everything I can think of and I guess I'm the only person to ever have this issue since I can't fine anything like it anywhere.

For some reason, no matter whether I start the game from Steam, or the download off the website, It will open and play just fine, but the perspective is all screwed up. Things follow me around when I look around and nothing really "stays in place" like it should. I don't know how to explain it other than it looks as if it cant decide between a flat-screen normal display and VR. Like I can still look around, but the perspective doesn't work like a 3D environment should, on top of it looking like I'm looking through a fishbowl lens.. I've tried pretty much everything, I even read a similar problem that had to do with a certain input causing it so I just cleared all normal keyboard inputs, but no fix.

I tried uninstalling, verifying game files, and all three ways I can find to play it (Steam, website download, and Oculus), but there is no difference. The game is completely unplayable in this state, and I'm starting to go actually crazy from trying to figure it out.

The weirdest (and most ironic part) is that the game's perspective works perfectly fine on the Oculus version of the game, but naturally that version is unplayable as well and can't even get to the clipboard without crashing. This game used to be one of my favorites to play in VR, so I'm hoping I'll be able to experience it again, but the more I try the more I want to give up on it. I'll keep trying anything I can think of and ill put a fix if I find it, but if anybody knows anything please help a brother out.

Offline Whitedock1554

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Re: VR mode not working properly
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2024, 06:05:32 PM »
For reference, I am attempting to play the game with a Quest 3 via airplay through steam VR, just in case that's needed info on how to help

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Re: VR mode not working properly
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2024, 06:26:10 PM »
Ok, so despite my faith in myself, I have so far been able to find a workaround. So, for anybody else that may have this issue this is the fix for me so far:

     I connected to Oculus again via airplay, but this time I went to the steam files of the game and I started the "steam" version of the game, and that for some reason or another has fixed whatever was wrong with the perspective stuff.

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Re: VR mode not working properly
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2024, 06:27:32 PM »
Can you get to the notebook in the game? If you can goto Option, Preferences, GUI about half way down there is VR GUI Surface, that should be "sphere", and at Option, Preferences, VR check the box for VR TrackIR Object something or other. Click OK after setting each to save them.

Not sure if it will help, but something to try.

Another thing is you could run film (alt R)and see if it captures whats happening. If the film runs clean then its an Oculus issue. If the film shows whats happening then it could still be something in the game.

That is odd. Glad you got it working