Its not technically cheating. But a gyrp sight combined with ladder removes the calculation from your head, which his opponents have to do. If your doi g those calculations in your head you don’t have as much ability to do other things at the same time. Contrary to popular beleif the brain handles thing at a time. Muscle memory helps fill that gap too.
Another advantage is he deals with zero nose bounce, where most do.
Not saying he’s not a disciplined flyer, but hr uses s lot of aids. Therefore I question why vids anf not films.
Aldo he us using some form if spotting system to kill one person over and over in a row, he’s getting help on that somehow. Notice he shys away from these subjects using irrekevent videos as deflection
You and every other player has access to everything Skyyr uses. The gunsight is default, the pitch ladder is in AH settings, and you can purchase TrackIR.
As for "spotting" other players, it's as simple as this:
System Message says Animl killed BTDiver. I know from seeing you online that you are knight just as I know BTDiver is always rook. I also know that you fly the P-51 almost exclusively. So, using just that information, I know you are on the knight/rook front (which is probably one fight) in a P-51, just as I can assume BTDiver was flying a yak. If you play the game enough, you pick up on players' tendencies, which is another reason I like switching up planes a lot.