Well, good idea, but time is the issue. I’m kind psssed at myself for letting it go past 1 min.
Its passed 300 views now. I don’t want to interrupt any momentum.
I don’t mean to put all formers in the same basket, but for many they have nothing but negative laughing input at anything we try. Kinda vexations straight out of the box. Not all comments are wrong, just too much negative plastered in public view. Basically talking us out of trying anything at all. Not all are that way, but enough to use filters.
I know you and Dadllitica was out there pounding the ground for us, I read it. We all appreciate that your efforts dragged some in.
I shoulda done this earlier, I just wasn’t up to normal speed yet. Last yr with work I had no time, now with retirement I’m all about free time and popping the cork on the bottle,…again.

Now get ur ars back in our air snd stop wirryin sbout mods, small beans 
I wasn't thinking to interrupt any momentum, I was thinking to add it to the front of the video and maybe try to post it with other search terms.
If for example the current film would be found with the terms: Flight sim, world war II aircraft, maybe post one that would come up with different search terms. Maybe something like Christmas gift world war II history, or Christmas gift aviation buff.
Aye, I understand how you feel about former players. I kinda have the same feeling about current players that seem to be trying to burn it down from the inside. They act like they're firemen but they're actually the arsonists.
Dad definitely was the master promoter. I just try to help out where I can.
Good deal on the retirement, hope you enjoy it. Now you should be able to fly at least 8 hours a day!
Doubt I'll be back at this point. I did give it go after a long break but found that all the things I was starting to dislike were still there and in some cases worse. I'm not a fan of many things that I saw change in the game over time. The only way I'd imagine coming back is if there was a FTP account and a jump in numbers (enough to negate some of the stuff that was going on when I left) The main reason for this is now that my kids are old enough that we all play together and there's no way I can justify almost $900 a year for stuff that we might only get to play together 1 or 2 days per week. All the other games we play have some sort of way for me to mitigate the cost. WoW has FTP until lvl 20, WWII online has FTP, you can get an IL2 account setup for less then $10 and there's no monthly payment, you can play WT for free and I bought some other games on sale on steam like the latest CLOD stuff they are adding VR support to that I haven't even really had a chance to try yet.
That said I do wish you guys the best. I don't have any hard feelings about the stuff that drove me out. I'm over it. Oh, and I'm not trying to recruit anybody lolz.