Doesn’t mean anything yet.
But in 17 hrs it got 59 views, still doesn’t mean much yet.
However, 49% were “Suggested” views. Where it shows up when ppl are viewing other vids. Which tells me its reaching outside the bubble. Which is where we want to be, or better.
I haven’t looked at MotA stats yet, but I think the norm for my videos is 16%-25% suggested.
Me thinks the 6 likes in a few hours gave it a lil boost.
If everyone went directly to the page, view and like, it would give it a nice kick start to get out side the bubble more.
Its not about me. I don’t need the credit, its about getting it out there, and hope its good enough to get ppl beyond viewing and coming to check the game out.
What we need to do is get info on the AH web page updated so we don’t look dead. Get those events posted. A lil help could go a long way.
I changed the name of the YT page to Aces High III combat Simulator, because no one is searching for Animl.