the norm now a days. Lather, rinse repeat.
tl;dnr - as players, we have more ability to change gameplay at this point than HTC (seems willing to do.)
I'm very familiar with the pattern.

Your observation doesn't include segues into evening and wee hour play.
Morning play sets the tone for the day. It's that all-in (by one side) vs another side.... sometimes the 3rd team also goes all-in, typically on the smaller of the other two. Towards afternoon/evening, there is that claw back of bases that makes one side or other feeling they're being double teamed - and they just might be because... all-in!
There have been numerous suggestions, eny, two sides, side switching time change, etc to try and balance this... imbalance.
The solution no one likes to discuss because it is somehow more difficult to achieve than changing some lines of coad - players themselves take it upon themselves to make the game play more entertaining at all times of the day.
In the absence of players being unwilling to balance side numbers, all it really takes is spreading the action out between all countries, not that all-in vs one side.
For example, morning A: 20 B:9 C:12 Instead of 15 A's and 7 Cs hitting 5 Bs while the others are milking bases or irrelevant strats, trying to start a fight, or afk...
perhaps... 7a vs 4b / 8a vs 5c / 3b vs 4c This would spill over to the rest of day where there's action on-going each side, not the feast or famine that all-in brings. This is where you have to use tactics better than just hording. The numbers no longer support horde on horde on horde action.
Who knows maybe As will actually start winning more maps instead of keeping us stuck in that cycle above...
Unless people really find entertainment in how gameplay currently stands; I'm sure some do, while many wish and know it could be better.