This is what it is on top of what it is. Some people keep pointing to two sides, two sides... when it practically already is. 
Bish swarm doing their all-in vs knits. Rooks joining in on it - by hitting knits strats
and, well, darbars showing nothing happening on bish/rook (yet) as rooks continue to hit knit bases.
Bish just got 20% knit (9:30am cst) bases, let's see how this plays out.

Just because I’m caffeined up.
Agreed, more often than not, Knits get banged, even though they usually have lower numbers.
Yep, irritating as sin.
I kinda studied this irritation looking for patterns as to why.
But there is a flipside.
What >I< see, as often as that happens, the opposite happens. They fight each other and we can’t find a fight. My reckless assumption is they fight each other for 1-3 days, then both take a break for change and fight us.
Also noted, in the last 1.5 weeks, at least on night each, got their clocks cleaned by being ganged.
Me thinks its what is the rotation today.
That said, knits seem to take it more often.
The 2 country talk is not new, its 35 yrs old, it just doesn’t work all that well in multiplayer, and just a goldfish who repeats pecking at the wall of a fish bowl, forgetting the last 1000 times didn’t work.
The morning thing is also at least 30 yrs old. It just comes much more apparent and able when numbers dip below like 60. Most issues for same reason.
Yrs ago, when there was say 150 in morning there was too many for it to happen.
No tweak for that issue is going to happen. So the only answer left is getting numbers up past critical mass. Chase no one away.

But, ya, its dweebish.
You’ll still be invoiced for my unsolicited opinion