In that psychology Orange made GW Bush look better. We got Carter because of Nixon and Ford, got Obama because of GWB. We got Biden because of Orange. We got Orange because of Biden age and KH only had 100 days. We got Reagan because of Carter.
And vise versa.
Its like physics, for every action there is a reaction. To some its how you squint your eyes to see what you want to see. Since Carter, every recession happened under red presidents, orange economy dumped too, fact. This is why you got the next president. The next president first yr runs on the budget of the last president.
People get caught up in politics and miss the big picture. Today we live the current 5 minutes. Looking ahead is overrated. The other sude if the fence is way to political for my blood. Everything is political. We’re losing our way.
Carter was a great human who meant well, the economy just didm’t go his way. He made more accomplishments than most realize, including peace prize.
No matter your affiliation, Carter was a good guy, rare. My older brother (RIP) worked on habitat for humanity project and built some of those homes.
He may not go down in history as the best, but a good man who meant well.
Don’t make a death political too.