Our oldest son lives in Pasadena since he works for J.P.L and is not in the mandatory evacuation zone, Red Cross set up shelter in downtown Pasadena so they figured
they were good since they were nearby, if you are not directly affected by fire the smoke is the next thing worst thing according to him, it was his Birthday today so
my wife sent him some brownies, they made it and were delivered yesterday believe it or not, according to a co-worker of mine that grew up there, the place
burns like every 20 years or so, this time it may be the worst they have seen, next thing to worry about will be mud slides when and if it starts to rain. I lived there for a
year and a half and love all the outdoors had to offer, hated their politics. Funny thing I think they will just scrape it all off and rebuild again with the same density or
worse, kind of like how people rebuild in flood plains over and over