Exactly! I started fasting to get the fat out of my liver. From what I gather the fat in your liver is caused by carbs. Even then I only fast when I'm not hungry.
I looked at myself in the mirror and thought what's missing. Then one day I realized I had no love handles.
Oh and on gluconeogenesis, that reminds me of a point I was going to make earlier that I forgot.
There are some reasons
some glucose in needed by the body even when fully fat adapted. Can't remember the justification at the moment.
However, that doesn't require the consumption of carbs because the healthy body is completely capable of creating it's own needed level of glucose from the essential fatty acids you get from your meat diet through gluconeogenesis.
If you consume dietary carbs, you are almost certain to get more glucose than absolutely needed and that triggers insulin and all usual downsides.
If you consume no carbs, the body happily makes the glucose it needs from gluconeogenesis,
exactly in the amount needed. No more. No less. And less than will trigger problematic insulin release. So that is kind of a magic hack. A better approach IMHO.