My view is, and always will be, if you are thriving on your current diet, rock on Garth.
If you are having problems, of any kind, weight, glucose level, insulin resistance, BP, sleep quality, anxiety, depression, autoimmune, arthritis, skin problems, etc, etc, etc,etc, you might consider a 3 month therapeutic cycle of Carnivore to see if it can help with your issue.
I think you need to give it 3 months to make it a fair trial. Especially if you are coming straight from a carby life-style.
Month 1 will be challenging. You body is having to learn to efficiently burn fat rather than carbs for fuel. That requires a different toolkit of enzymes your body may have forgotten how to produce. Electrolyte levels have to stabilize. Etc.
Month 2, you should be hitting your stride. Adjusting your habits. Wrapping your head around a new way of thinking about food. No calorie counting, no low-fat. What you are shooting for is most of your calories coming from fat, a moderate amount from protein, as few carbs as you can manage (preferable near zero).
Month 3 you should start seeing some real improvement in various metrics if it is going to be of help to you. At least the start of it. Enough you should be able to notice.
If after 3 months you decide it is not helping, then go back to what you were doing.
If you do see improvements, you have to make a decision. Are your potatoes more important to you than the improvement in things that you might see improving.