Author Topic: Rye Games  (Read 2871 times)

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2025, 04:50:43 PM »
As mentioned in the wishlist a family account price or some kind of change is needed..

Maybe $7 for one $12 for two and $16 for 3


This woulda helped me at times. I've opened accounts for a nephew, a neighbor and his wife (they took turns), a former player and a buddy from college days. One still currently plays but he still needs his own Windows machine. I think the others may have kept trying if they saw discounts like these you propose. I'd gladly keep paying for them either way but they don't want that and fade out after a couple of months at the most. Before you know it, they're off playing the wizard and dragons or space laser games.
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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2025, 06:24:40 PM »
Sadly I think everything we've said has fallen on deaf ears and I for on have given up on being attacked for trying to offer advice based on playing multiple other games.

Did you ever take into account that HTC is a business and perhaps he just...I dunno, doesn't agree with you?
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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2025, 06:37:56 PM »
Did you ever take into account that HTC is a business and perhaps he just...I dunno, doesn't agree with you?

I'm not sure some do the math on his end. If he were to totally remove subs, the game could come to a financial close prematurely.  I always look for workable compromises. Can't just go at things with a chain saw. Its a very catch 22 subject. We don't have a buffer for mistakes.

I DO understand hazmat and a couple other's points about something like family discounts,.... in another thread. This convo on the front page is probably not the best place for it.

Loved the guys take on AH tho, he talked well of of it, which was refreshing.

BTW Spikes, Metal Machine song,.... has created an ear worm in my head,... I'm going to have to invoice you for rent in my head.  LOVE that vid

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2025, 06:12:11 AM »
Did you ever take into account that HTC is a business and perhaps he just...I dunno, doesn't agree with you?

How can we tell? Not much feedback on our ideas from HT...

He knows we hang on his every word posted..

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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2025, 08:22:35 AM »
How can we tell? Not much feedback on our ideas from HT...

He knows we hang on his every word posted..


Every word he says instantly goes under the microscope. These are usually convos that happen behind closed doors, as they should. My guess, for him this is not for bbs. These are private biz discussions.

“Do I risk making money at the risk of making less.” Probably the most risky decision. He could drop his income and nothing come of it. Just because non-players complain about subs does not guarantee they would play if it changed. Basically, we’re gambling with his income.

Personally, I think it could use some tweaks, but a chainsaw approach will go nowhere.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 08:25:34 AM by Animl-AW »

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2025, 08:50:31 AM »
I'm not sure some do the math on his end. If he were to totally remove subs, the game could come to a financial close prematurely.  I always look for workable compromises. Can't just go at things with a chain saw. Its a very catch 22 subject. We don't have a buffer for mistakes.

I DO understand hazmat and a couple other's points about something like family discounts,.... in another thread. This convo on the front page is probably not the best place for it.

Loved the guys take on AH tho, he talked well of of it, which was refreshing.

BTW Spikes, Metal Machine song,.... has created an ear worm in my head,... I'm going to have to invoice you for rent in my head.  LOVE that vid

I found the video to be enjoyable but he highlighted a lot of the learning issues with AH. I would say it would take the average person a couple months to get comfortable with the game and all of its nuances, probably less if said person has a background in flight sims in some capacity (a DCS person would likely find it easier, whereas a War Thunder person would find it to be slightly harder or maybe on-par).

I decided to watch that video again and it made me smile - might try to put something new together and dedicate myself to AH VR for a bit. :)

How can we tell? Not much feedback on our ideas from HT...

He knows we hang on his every word posted..

You don't I suppose, unless you call him. I will say over all the years I've seen some pretty terrible ideas posted, just my opinion of course. If HT listened to everyone this game probably would've crashed and burned long ago. I think HT has shown his willingness to tinker if given a reasonable idea along with reasoning and pros/cons. Disabling the M3 with troops or supplies (can't remember what it was) comes to mind. I think the AWACS radar would be fine so long as the pilot has line-of-sight on whatever it is. But I don't know if that's possible to code with this game engine. Simply AFK climbing out with your map open and spotting a plane as it passes under you shouldn't trigger radar until you roll your plane over and visually see it, for example.
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2025, 09:21:22 AM »
Please not the should call him again answer...why the bbs then?

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2025, 10:41:42 AM »
My kids, when young, had hobbies. They earned and saved money to do them. I could have just paid.... but I was teaching them how to make their own way.

The games that are pay as you play like DCS depend on those who spend large sums paying to be better. Not those who just buy a plane every once in awhile. Without the ones who spend large sums, those games would not exist.

Have fun in whichever game suits your interest. As for being attacked on which way you think is better, that goes both ways.
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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2025, 11:05:40 AM »
I found the video to be enjoyable but he highlighted a lot of the learning issues with AH. I would say it would take the average person a couple months to get comfortable with the game and all of its nuances, probably less if said person has a background in flight sims in some capacity (a DCS person would likely find it easier, whereas a War Thunder person would find it to be slightly harder or maybe on-par).

Probably a lotta truth there.

Totally opinion. Probably another WOT
Some, like on steam, are looking for a game, ya pop in ya complete the levels and move onto another game.
This is a sim played as a game. The game part is a vehicle for flying in a sim. Its a two part experience. Sometimes the learning curve weeds out those who weren't planning on staying in the first place. IMO because our interest is in the sim portion.

DCS is so into the sim portion fun gaming is a Oh BTW. WT, sorry, but just watching that FM in vids is painful. IL-2 seems to have the glitter, but it's growing old too, that engine is probably maxed out. Again, I watch that FM in vids is not painful but I can see it doesn't really flow like AH. Mind you, drivel from someone who has played none of them. so take it for what it's not worth.

I have a different view as a return player on the learning curve. Actually flying the plane came like riding a bike, even tho I had seriously worn gear and muscle memory loss. The harder part was re-learning the setup and and how to configure to best suit me. It was amazing how much of that I forgot. I used f to fly bufs a LOT, couldn't even remember how to cal the sight.

I think every sim is a mass learning curve to someone who has never taken part in them. It's starting from zero. If we keep making it sound hard that alone could scare people from trying. If we can do it ANYONE can do it. Why I think training and tech support (customer service) is a highly valued system Minimize the curve.

That said, even those who have been a round a long time still find something to learn. And that to me is what keeps the longevity. IN other  "games" you learn it, max out, move on. In most good sims it never ends.

I think we mistake the gamer for the simmer. Its a different mindset.

Genre dying? I dunno about that. Between all the sims there is still a massive crowd, who gets who is the challenge.

We,as a seasoned community can, to a point, ease the learning curve and tech support, that's something we can control. The recent Training Forum posts shows that is in full gear, where we need it.

What we cannot control is the payment model. We can only use the power of suggestion. There are some good ideas and some, on the biz end, are non-workable ideas.  Including my own.

I think most of us think the same in regards to we need to draw new/future players,...make it more inclusive and inviting. IMO tweaks yes, over-haul no. Where is that honey spot?

These doomsayers have been doomsayers for over a decade now. Yes, the earth will end SOME DAY, that day does not make you right, its the inevitable. Today, is not that day or week or month or year. Know when one preached too long to prove a point that is not panning out. They said it would end 10 yrs ago. Nonsense drivel dark doom and gloom because they would enjoy credit for being right, even if they destroy it themselves to make it so. if you have to lie to make a point, you have no point.

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2025, 11:06:49 AM »

The games that are pay as you play like DCS depend on those who spend large sums paying to be better. Not those who just buy a plane every once in awhile. Without the ones who spend large sums, those games would not exist.

Have fun in whichever game suits your interest. As for being attacked on which way you think is better, that goes both ways.

Good points

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2025, 02:03:47 PM »
I think HT has painted the game into a corner which he is quite aware of. The game will not survive without the subscription model. That won't change.

Besides approving new skins and maps...he's done. Thats obvious.  Smaller maps, a possible two side MA. Minmal work to change. Not seeing that happening. He is done. He has at this time a nice income stream with an absolute zero effort.

He may surprise me, but I am not seeing that happening..

It's ALL about the fight..

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2025, 02:12:44 PM »
Thus may be the wrong thread

I was commenting on the comments made in the video linked in this thread.

I wouldn't mind playing with my kids and maybe my wife obviously, however as time passes we all get more involved in other games. My 7 year old is a terror in a tank and my 11 year old loves to fly. My wife used to play back in the day too but if she joined us it would be $900 a year which is obvious a deal breaker.

Maybe attacked was too strong of a word. I don't take it personal, however there are many who defend the status quo and seem to wonder why the more things stay the same the more things stay the same and they seem to think any suggestions for changes from people that actually play other games are somehow an attack on them or their game.

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2025, 02:30:03 PM »
I found the video to be enjoyable but he highlighted a lot of the learning issues with AH. I would say it would take the average person a couple months to get comfortable with the game and all of its nuances, probably less if said person has a background in flight sims in some capacity (a DCS person would likely find it easier, whereas a War Thunder person would find it to be slightly harder or maybe on-par).

In my experience AH is the easiest of all of them.

In IL2 you have to setup all he engine management stuff, rpm, cowl, oil cooler etc etc.
In Warthunder you have to setup everything from ecm to manual missile guidance as well as radar modes etc.

I think one of the reasons that Warthunder is so popular is because you start with planes that are very basic and then the complexity builds as you advance though your research so it's not overwhelming to start. There are those people that go buy a high level plane to start cause then think the can pay to win and get beat down mercilessly.

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2025, 02:37:01 PM »
Did you ever take into account that HTC is a business and perhaps he just...I dunno, doesn't agree with you?

Hey captain obvious! LOL.

I guess I just miss the old days and wish there could be numbers like that again and want to see more people playing is all. I would also like my kids to be able to play with me in a game that I played for prob close to 20 years.

I was merely pointing out that in the video that Rye seems to mention that the reason he doesn't seem to plan on continuing playing was the subscription. It has nothing to do with agreeing with me. It has to do with agreeing with reality.

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2025, 02:49:22 PM »
My kids, when young, had hobbies. They earned and saved money to do them. I could have just paid.... but I was teaching them how to make their own way.

The games that are pay as you play like DCS depend on those who spend large sums paying to be better. Not those who just buy a plane every once in awhile. Without the ones who spend large sums, those games would not exist.

Have fun in whichever game suits your interest. As for being attacked on which way you think is better, that goes both ways.

I said I enjoy playing games with my kids. My kids earn and save money too. They however are obviously not interested in spending their limited resources on this game when they could buy a shiny new plane in some other game that they can play for free which means if I wanted to play with them that the only option would be for me to pay for it. You are not the only one who teaches their kids how to "make their own way"

That might be true about the DCS model, I haven't played it enough to know. I do know that WT also has in game currency that you can buy all kinds of stuff with that you have to pay real money for if you want it. I suspect that WT makes more on the currency then any planes they sell.

Not sure how it goes both ways. I haven't attacked anyone here. I have only responded.