Howdy xanax
I usually use auto angle climb when traveling to the fight so I don't have to worry with the stick or peds then..
Like Sik1 I do this.."Xanax, I personally just rest the ball of my foot on the bottom of the rudder pedal when I want to use them, and take my foot off of them when I'm not applying rudder. I do this to lessen inadvertent rudder input.
I use no scaling, dampening, or dead zone. I use light pressure on the pedals. I find takeoffs, and landings are a good way to help get use to using rudder pedals."
My stick and throttle are clamped to the bottom of my desk with the warthog on my right, not centered
The peds are bolted to a piece of plywood that is slanted up in the back with a piece of 2x4 for a better angle for my ankles as the rudder input action is much different than using your knees with the ch pro peds sliding action..
Less is more when it comes to rudder input imo
The weight bench makes a good seat for me but I usually don't play but about an hour each evening...when I try those multi hour scenarios my butt gets numb after a while..but it allows my to get some dumbbell reps in while I climb to alt..

Best of luck with your 2nd attempt .. let me know if you have any other questions