I think just a makeover of the cockpits for the planes we have might go a long way and be cheaper, although not even close to free, than any other alternative to help attract. Being attractive. It's a thing.
I know there are people out there that do this sort of thing. I look at the sheer magnitude of different planes in MSFS alone with all the complexity of controls (every button and lever to map) that AH won't even need. It boggles the mind how many planes of so many different genres they roll out every month. But they have pretty deep pockets over at MS too.
Other sims like IL-2 are coming out with a new line of planes for their new Korea module. Not thinking I'm interested in that. Combat Pilot is putting together new stuff due their new sim. I'll wait til they add a P-38, of course! Months and years out respectively with those, but it's happening. So, it could happen here too. Question really is--what effort is HT looking to put into it at this point in his life? Been a long decade pretty much for him on a lot of levels and I think we can all agree on that. Because of that I'm thinking he's not gonna do much if anything with AH. Maybe sell it to someone else which he's done before. But that can go two different ways. Might be a good thing. Might not too. I was there in AW when that happened and it didn't end well. It did end tho. Which brought me here.
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agree with all
Tweaks to graphics and just the word of an update could push the gas pedal some.
Someone recently made the comment (paraphrased) “…the high-end graphics tends to distract from game play”. I find this very realistic concept. The more the modern graphics came into the picture, the less game play became a matter. More like a byproduct.
In AH less graphics game play is everything. Same as AW grew old.
WT great graphics less fun
IL-2 - O K
As we go up the ladder to DCS, game play is as exciting as golf.
Us older AWers know that sale is careful what you wish for.
With all its inner feuding, ya can’t buy a better community, that’s how families go. How many games, insert any name, where firmer players hang on the forums 1-12 yrs after they quit the game. Go ahead, make a list, we’ll wait, we’re here forever.
Its the concept of MMP gameplay is the best there is, if you seek intense.
My wishlist that I think would go a long way are a compromise to a big update.
1) Film Viewer (I have easy implemented ideas including Help file) this is our advertisement.
2) Explosion/Damage FX (hit sprites, flame/smoke trails, ground/plane explosions, large gun firing).
3) payment model compromise