Author Topic: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade  (Read 2806 times)

Offline Molsman

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More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« on: February 16, 2025, 10:54:23 PM »
You still have a dedicated Fan base where we are happy with the game today,,,, but you already have Players making New Maps new skins and all but why can't we get upgraded graphics new planes and vehicles????? I know it cost money but there are many players in the game that know how to do this. Can we make it happen Dale???

I don't want to see the Game die and along with all the other players here do not want to see the same thing Happen

So Dale I think ya could make this happen if ya would take the player who know how to do this Stuff to the Next Level I am studying on how to make maps and all but I think a Newer Version of Aces High will trump games like War thunder and World of Tanks!

anyone Else onboard with me for these Wishes?

JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
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Online DmonSlyr

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2025, 04:04:35 PM »
New graphics and all that require a new game engine which today would bascially be a whole new game and creation. After 3 of those, I'm sure Dale is "told old for that crap" lol. Plus you've got to have a pretty big team and investment and it's a lot of stress I'm sure he don't need.

On new planes - We have plenty of planes, IMO, its just that the majority of players only fly 4 top planes relative to many others. When was the last time you flew in a P40, 109G2, KI61, SPIT9, A6M, P38J, P47D25, P51B, FM2, F4F, Hurr2C? I think the emphasis should be on incentives to fly those planes more rather than 4 latewar easy mode top fighters which make it seem like not a lot of planes when you fly.

New maps - I'm glad the community has helping here. They are great. I just wish HTC would get rid of a few large ones tbh. It makes the game appear like no one is playing on these huge maps with 1 lil dar on the whole map. That is not going to incentivize players to take off because they don't see a battle. Maps that don't promote battles in the off hours keep the #s lower. IMO, the overall objective of maps should be, how do we create maps that build up battles  in the off hours. Then that will provide massive battles during primtime which  creates a chain reaction to get more players involved, in the fight, and re-take off again after their first sortie. Massive battles is the answer to increasing subs.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 04:07:55 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2025, 04:20:56 PM »
A significant graphics upgrade cost the game a large number of players when AH3 appeared. Many were not prepared to invest large amounts of money just to play a video game.

Are you sure you want to risk another bail out of membership because their machine is no longer viable.
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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2025, 07:06:39 PM »
You still have a dedicated Fan base where we are happy with the game today,,,, but you already have Players making New Maps new skins and all but why can't we get upgraded graphics new planes and vehicles????? I know it cost money but there are many players in the game that know how to do this. Can we make it happen Dale???

I don't want to see the Game die and along with all the other players here do not want to see the same thing Happen

So Dale I think ya could make this happen if ya would take the player who know how to do this Stuff to the Next Level I am studying on how to make maps and all but I think a Newer Version of Aces High will trump games like War thunder and World of Tanks!

anyone Else onboard with me for these Wishes?


New planes is out of the question, very high expense. He no longer has a crew to do all that. If you get the game cranking money it might be a furture thought.

New graphics, might require a new engine, and that could be a massive over-haul. Now IF things like FX and terrain tweaks just be made fresh, that might help, but I think keeping it simple FX would be the fast least expensive route. Also remember what happens when you upgrade to much too fast, ya lose players with slow machines.

Totally with ya, but just stating the reality points. I'd love to be wrong.

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2025, 03:33:45 PM »
I'm genuinely curious what planes and tanks you would add if you could? I agree with Demon we have plenty at the moment, but I'm just wondering what planes and tanks you think are missing from the line-up. Edit* I have been researching some planes and tanks online that had a significant impact on the war, but haven't really found any that aren't already mostly filled by another plane or tank.

I want the game to grow, 20 years ago the game was amazing with player numbers. In my opinion (all two cents of it) our BIGGEST killer is team balance. Especially,if you're getting guys transitioning from consoles to PC. Games like Battlefield and Call of Doodie wouldn't survive when one team literally runs the lobby for hours on numbers alone. I played BF3 until it was shut down Nov 2024...13 years and any time numbers were 2-1 or worse the other team would just camp or would quit entirely. BF3 came out in 2011 and players were still filling 24 player servers right up to 2024.

Nobody wants to come into a game and get the sh** kicked out of them for hours because numbers are 27-12-4, 12-8-19, etc.

Maybe, just an idea...have new people start as nomads/mercenaries (auto switch)and if they find a team they like they can by all means choose to stay. Right now there are I think six of us: Caine, Airjer, Maine, myself and two more. We help even things out and none of us seem to mind getting bounced. Yesterday there were five of us comprising a large portion of one team.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2025, 03:35:25 PM by SAM13 »
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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2025, 08:36:39 AM »
New planes will not happen. The cost is very high. I think we have all the important AC.

Offline Drano

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2025, 09:01:51 AM »
I think just a makeover of the cockpits for the planes we have might go a long way and be cheaper, although not even close to free, than any other alternative to help attract. Being attractive. It's a thing.

I know there are people out there that do this sort of thing. I look at the sheer magnitude of different planes in MSFS alone with all the complexity of controls (every button and lever to map) that AH won't even need. It boggles the mind how many planes of so many different genres they roll out every month. But they have pretty deep pockets over at MS too.

Other sims like IL-2 are coming out with a new line of planes for their new Korea module. Not thinking I'm interested in that. Combat Pilot is putting together new stuff due their new sim. I'll wait til they add a P-38, of course! Months and years out respectively with those, but it's happening. So, it could happen here too. Question really is--what effort is HT looking to put into it at this point in his life? Been a long decade pretty much for him on a lot of levels and I think we can all agree on that. Because of that I'm thinking he's not gonna do much if anything with AH. Maybe sell it to someone else which he's done before. But that can go two different ways. Might be a good thing. Might not too. I was there in AW when that happened and it didn't end well. It did end tho. Which brought me here.

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2025, 09:26:01 AM »

Does original poster want more detail or foggy eye candy?

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2025, 10:49:40 AM »
I think just a makeover of the cockpits for the planes we have might go a long way and be cheaper, although not even close to free, than any other alternative to help attract. Being attractive. It's a thing.

I know there are people out there that do this sort of thing. I look at the sheer magnitude of different planes in MSFS alone with all the complexity of controls (every button and lever to map) that AH won't even need. It boggles the mind how many planes of so many different genres they roll out every month. But they have pretty deep pockets over at MS too.

Other sims like IL-2 are coming out with a new line of planes for their new Korea module. Not thinking I'm interested in that. Combat Pilot is putting together new stuff due their new sim. I'll wait til they add a P-38, of course! Months and years out respectively with those, but it's happening. So, it could happen here too. Question really is--what effort is HT looking to put into it at this point in his life? Been a long decade pretty much for him on a lot of levels and I think we can all agree on that. Because of that I'm thinking he's not gonna do much if anything with AH. Maybe sell it to someone else which he's done before. But that can go two different ways. Might be a good thing. Might not too. I was there in AW when that happened and it didn't end well. It did end tho. Which brought me here.

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agree with all

Tweaks to graphics and just the word of an update could push the gas pedal some.

Someone recently made the comment (paraphrased) “…the high-end graphics tends to distract from game play”. I find this very realistic concept. The more the modern graphics came into the picture, the less game play became a matter. More like a byproduct.

In AH less graphics game play is everything. Same as AW grew old.

WT great graphics less fun
IL-2 - O K
As we go up the ladder to DCS, game play is as exciting as golf.

Us older AWers know that sale is careful what you wish for.

With all its inner feuding, ya can’t buy a better community, that’s how families go. How many games, insert any name, where firmer players hang on the forums 1-12 yrs after they quit the game. Go ahead, make a list, we’ll wait, we’re here forever.

Its the concept of MMP gameplay is the best there is, if you seek intense.

My wishlist that I think would go a long way are a compromise to a big update.
1) Film Viewer (I have easy implemented ideas including Help file) this is our advertisement.
2) Explosion/Damage FX (hit sprites, flame/smoke trails, ground/plane explosions, large gun firing).
3) payment model compromise

Offline Eagler

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2025, 12:16:54 PM »
Best be happy with what we got..I am good with it with 100 a night..just need maps to fit the numbers imo

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2025, 04:37:17 AM »
More money in the pot for upgrades could be made by encouraging Steam users to leave Steam and pay HTC directly. Steam probably takes in the region of 40-50% of each sub payment.
I hear it can take around to $30,000 for a contractor to put a new aircraft into a game like AcesHigh, and if HiTech is putting some money aside for upgrading anything, subs via Steam are going to slow any progress toward that goal IMO.
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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2025, 10:21:36 AM »
On new planes - We have plenty of planes, IMO, its just that the majority of players only fly 4 top planes relative to many others. When was the last time you flew in a P40, 109G2, KI61, SPIT9, A6M, P38J, P47D25, P51B, FM2, F4F, Hurr2C? I think the emphasis should be on incentives to fly those planes more rather than 4 latewar easy mode top fighters which make it seem like not a lot of planes when you fly.

I must be a masochist, you named half my favorite planes in this game.
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Offline Molsman

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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2025, 06:01:35 PM »
Does original poster want more detail or foggy eye candy?

One of my crazy ideals and all at the time i posted i thought it sounded good , but ya I know it cost alot to redesign a plane or even add a new plane ie P61 or Beaufighter i know those 2 have been dreams for many over the long year's ..... come Powerball Pick my numbers please
JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
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Re: More Planes and Vehicles plus Graphics upgrade
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2025, 07:11:30 PM »
I want a beaufighter, but those days are long gone when all the other help was laid off and never replaced. This game is unfortunately in maintenance mode only (just do enough to keep the server running and money coming in)
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