Oh I woulda shot you down long before you got that close to my B-17 at that angle
Remember that B-17 mission we did before I joined the JG2? This musta been back in June of last year, buncha guys joined up in B-17's, even one of em forgot to raise his flaps, couldn't get enough alt and ran into the mountain between us and the target
6 kills in B-17, NO DAMAGE... and I mighta hit some stuff with my bombs, can't remember
I swore off all non-german aircraft before the start of this tour. I ran up 5 kills in the A5 and didn't get kilt once... and then my joystick broke
Damnit, I wanna kill bombers!
3./JG2 of the Richthofen Jagsgeschwader were a bunch of egotistical, over-confident air prima donnas. They were drunk with victory; they competed with one another for mention in communiqués. Individual glory obsessed them in their mad scramble for public acclaim."
-Edgar Meos