Author Topic: G-forces and Damage Model  (Read 143 times)

Offline Midnight

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G-forces and Damage Model
« on: January 14, 2002, 11:50:49 AM »
I've seen this a few times, but this last time really seems to confirm it.

I dove in a spitIX and got a good burst of .50s into the left wing of it. As I pulled up, I looked back and saw that the wing was still on and the spit was still flying like nothing had happened.

Knowing that spit should be dead, I re-engaged the fight. After at least 6 more high speed passes where the spit had to have been pulling 5+ Gs to evade me, we ended up in a chase going through a canyon.

The spit was in front about 1.0 and I just started to close at 425+ MPH. I had to pull +5Gs (blacking out) to stay on the spit's climb, meaning he must have been close to 6Gs, maybe more.

In any case, I finally managed to get back on his six and got one more ping (maybe 7 or 8 bullets fired) on his left wing, causing the whole thing to come off.

If his wing was so close to coming off, shouldn't it have been weakened and all of his heavy G pulling caused it to come off already?

I think it is time we see maximum G forces get afftected by how close to structural failure the airframe is do to gun/cannon fire.

Offline Kweassa

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G-forces and Damage Model
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2002, 02:25:13 PM »

 Put an end to "all - or - nothing"ness in damage modelling!

Offline Midnight

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G-forces and Damage Model
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2002, 02:45:06 PM »
Exactly. It is silly to have a plane that has been shot full of lead (yet nothing busted off yet) remain flying like absolutely nothing has happened to it.

I think in RL, the pilot would have looked out the side window, and seeing close to 50 .50cal API had gone through his wingroot, would bail out ASAP.

Being in AH, people don't bail until the plane won't fly (mostly) there needs to be some sort of damage model adjustment to airframe capability


Put an end to damaged planes flying like they are still factory fresh. All that lead means busted spars and wing ribs and frame rails, etc.

Offline Linux_gene3

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G-forces and Damage Model
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2002, 03:23:15 AM »
Yes please put the end of the ALL OR NOTHINK modeling. I would like to STILL HAVE MY WINGS on my P47 after only a couple of rounds go into it.

I find that the P47 wings are like glass. And i have read that P47 wings can withstand a lot of damage.

But i keep flying her.

Offline pimpjoe

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G-forces and Damage Model
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2002, 01:27:27 AM »
p47 wings like glass??? your crazy! the p47 IMO is by far the toughest plane in AH. i could deal without the all or nothing damage model but it's nothing to make a fuss over. just gotta addapt. it goes both ways too ya know.

Offline Midnight

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G-forces and Damage Model
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2002, 07:43:55 AM »
Yes, It does go both ways, Unfortunately.

Last night, I attacked a LANC and took 3 - 4 pings at the last second. The LANC went down and I had no visible damage.

The ping sounds were the less severe sounding, so I kept on flying looking for more kills.

After a while, I attacked a low N1K and got the kill, but on my zoom out, I looked back to see an F6F trailing me. He was at 1.1, so I wasn't very worried. Just as I started pulling away to 1.2, I saw tracers coming from the F6. One ping and my entire right wing blew apart and I went down.

So back on the ALL or NOTHING Damage model. If my P-51's wing was so close to falling off, I should be able to look out the window and see all kinds of bullet holes, or at least some way to tell I have been damaged without having to wait until that one last lucky bullet takes me down.

We need more damage model indicators HTC... Please.