Author Topic: BOSS I feel sick !!  (Read 202 times)

Offline straffo

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BOSS I feel sick !!
« on: March 09, 2001, 08:26:00 AM »
Rahhhhhhhh feeling sick badly  

Boss I'm to sick to work may I come back home ?...
No ?

ugly bast... he left a poor ingeneer completly sick in from of his computer  


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BOSS I feel sick !!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2001, 08:35:00 AM »
That's funny

Offline Kratzer

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BOSS I feel sick !!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2001, 11:03:00 AM »

i feel something coming on...

Offline Saintaw

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BOSS I feel sick !!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2001, 11:08:00 AM »
LOL Straffo!
<points finger at desk>

[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 03-09-2001).]
Dirty, nasty furriner.


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BOSS I feel sick !!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2001, 11:19:00 AM »
"Boss, I think I have eye trouble."

"Eye trouble?"

"I can't see coming to work today."

Offline flakbait

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BOSS I feel sick !!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2001, 11:29:00 AM »
Some of my own faves (I've used a few of these):

If it is all the same to you, I won't be coming in to work. The voices told me to clean all the guns today.

When I got up this morning, I took two Ex-Lax in addition to my Prozac. I can't get off the john, but I feel good about it.

I set half the clocks in my house ahead an hour and the other half back an hour Saturday and spent 18 hours in some kind of space-time continuum loop, reliving Sunday (right up until the explosion). I was able to exit the loop only by reversing the polarity of the power source exactly e*log(pi) clocks in the house while simultaneously rapping my dog on the snout with a rolled up Times. Accordingly, I will be in late, or early.

My stigmata's acting up.

I can't come in to work today because I'll be stalking my previous boss, who fired me for not showing up for work. Okay?

I have a rare case of 48-hour projectile leprosy, but I know we have that deadline to meet...

I am stuck in the blood pressure machine down at the Food Giant.

Yes, I seem to have contracted some attention-deficit disorder and, hey, how
about them Skins, huh?  So, I won't be able to, yes, could I help you?  No, no, I'll be sticking with Sprint, but thank you for calling.

Constipation has made me a walking time bomb.

I just found out that I was switched at birth.  Legally, I shouldn't come to work knowing my employee records may now contain false information.

The psychiatrist said it was an excellent session.  He even gave me this jaw restraint so I won't bite things when I am startled.

The dog ate my car keys.  We're going to hitchhike to the vet.

I prefer to remain an enigma.

My mother-in-law has come back as one of the Undead and we must track her to her coffin to drive a stake through her heart and give her eternal peace. One day should do it.

I can't come to work today because the EPA has determined that my house is completely surrounded by wetlands and I have to arrange for helicopter transportation.

I am converting my calendar from Julian to Gregorian.

I am extremely sensitive to a rise in the interest rates.

My wife makes more money than I do, so I have to stay at home with our sick son.

I refuse to travel to my job in the District until there is a commuter tax. I insist on paying my fair share.

I'm feeling a little disgruntled this morning.  You want I should come in?

I can't come in because the deadline is Monday and, so far, I only have seven
different fun things to do with a barrel of snot.

I've used up all my sick I'm calling in dead!


Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta 6's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"With all due respect Chaplian, I don't think God wants to hear from me right now.
I'm gonna go out there and remove one of His creations from this universe.
And when I get back I'm gonna drink a bottle of Scotch like it was Chiggy von
Richthofen's blood and celebrate his death."
Col. McQueen, Space: Above and Beyond