Author Topic: Why are people so dumb?  (Read 304 times)

Offline Otto

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Why are people so dumb?
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2002, 11:26:45 AM »
"Why are people so dumb?"

My mother was much more specific....  :rolleyes:

Offline ~Pyroman~

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Why are people so dumb?
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2002, 06:44:14 PM »
Rammer and Kweassa,

You both aren't paying much attention.  One there are leaders in Rookland.  I can name off 8 pilots right now that have been taking charge and *most* Rooks follow there lead.  Why you ask?  Well one they've earned the respect of fellow Rook squads.  Rammer you are new to Rookland so to come to this country and tell us we are dumb?  We don't know you yet to join your missions.  You should join a few of ours.  No we don't use the mission planner but we just ask each other's squad where they are at and who is in charge.  

Each night a different CO from the RJO (Rookland Joint Ops) runs the show.  Even pilots outside of RJO take part and follow orders.  Each of these CO's have proved themselves and followed others and then were given the chance to show us what they can do.

To come in and just start barking orders isn't going to get fellow Rooks to join.  Join a few of our missions guys for a few nights then "offer" a suggestion of how to attack and I'll bet you, you will get people to join you.  To say Rooks are dumb?  Well I know better then that.  You obviously haven't been paying attention.  We've gotten more resets in the last 2 months then I think we did ALL of last year combined.  Now that's just a guess so take it for what's it worth.

The Rooks are working together more now then they ever have in the history of AH.  To see people come in here and complain that we aren't upsets me.  Rammer I don't know you very well so I won't call you names or anything :) .  I do know you are one hell of a pilot and would be honored to have you fly with us RJO squads.   Just look for me in game bro.  We can hook up and let you see what I'm talking about.

The Rooks are organized you just need to know where to fly bro.  

Cya soon bud! ;)

Offline Bullethead

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Why are people so dumb?
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2002, 08:37:04 PM »
Actually, what Pyroman said is only 1/2 the truth.  But he's another of them firefighting bastiges so what do you expect :D

The insidious conspiracy known only as RJO reaches even deeper than most suspect.  The machinations of its agents provocateurs are responsible for the subversion and dissent in bish and nit rear areas, bringing all their schemes to ruin in an orgy of bitterness, mutual recriminations, and whining.  The RJO has claimed responsibility for lazs' current crusade against organization.  It's even rumored that the RJO has infiltrated HTC itself and gains special favors through the threat of publishing certain videos shot backstage at the AH Con.

Trust no-one.  Your wingee might actually be an RJO spy.  Gotta go now, I hear the black helicopters coming.....

Offline Kieran

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Why are people so dumb?
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2002, 09:05:55 PM »
Just logged out of the main, the Rooks were steamrolling the north. Granted, they had the numbers, but it seemed to me calls for goons were answered (I made three trips myself), bombers filled their rolls, and fighters cap'd appropriately. Lazs was getting kills, Tumor was posting missions that worked, seemed everyone was happy.

It was so weird, I logged off. :D

Offline AmRaaM

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Why are people so dumb?
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2002, 09:57:08 PM »
Prolly cuz like myself, theres no strategy in this game per say. Its 100% #'s . U blow something up, big deal, its back to 100% in a few minutes anyways or even less time. U take a few bases, big deal, only takes one enemy to kill all your goons and thwart the efforts of 20-30 players once you take one too many. Float a cv across the ocean, whoopity doo, takes a single idiot kamakazi to sink it. People cry about spies sometimes, big sh*t n deal, there's already bar-dar which tells your 100% of what you need to know, that is to launch a p51 and kill the goon and let the other 19 or 29 poor slobs fly around with no chance of taking a base.  Before the excuse for bar-dar was its necessary to find an enemy, but now there's hunderes on all the time whats the stupid excuse for it now? Hell if someone just wanted to find someone else to shoot at is all, theres 3 other servers to join. No strategy=no fun. better off gettin $14.00 f16falcon cd and playing the computer ai, since its more intelligent than the set up here.

Offline bolillo_loco

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Why are people so dumb?
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2002, 03:11:41 AM »
sorry, but I was born dumb.

Offline JoeCrip

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Why are people so dumb?
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2002, 03:41:56 PM »
Why dont you fly with your wingman "c11" :) ? Flying with my squad alwyas helps