Author Topic: "Fire in the Sky".. a players review  (Read 1227 times)

Offline Hangtime

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« on: February 02, 2002, 01:07:52 PM »
First of all, i found this CT setup initially a nightmare.. the field enablements and a/c selections were a bit confusing.. even after reading the CT Arena briefing screen. Being used to MA setups, i found that entering the arena, grabbing a plane and trying to fly it was intimidating.... at first.

by the second night I'd gotted a grasp of the strat, and started to feel a lot more comfortable with the planes.. learning how to fly swabbie birds was very difficult, but once you get into it i found out why the Navy Pilots loved their tubby lil ugly assed F6F's.. and enjoyed the plane immensely. It's all but useless in the MA, but against its historcial counterparts it is quite serviceable, especially when flown with a wingie. By itself.. it's a target.. a pair are big trouble for anything the IJN had.

The strat was superb once the nuances were understood.. for both sides. after initial spectaular allied successes early on, the IJN smartened up and learned to scatter the attackers by splitting their attention, and sinking the fleets when they became a threat. The Kamakazi attacks were very effective. :) After wednesday, it was all but impossible to approach the home islands with more than one fleet. Savvy IJN types monitered fleet locations via 'intel' (side swapping) and took action when necessary to protect the home islands.

While this may seem to be 'unfair' it did not seem to hurt the action except on rare occasions. the 'allies' were content to attack what fields were proximate to it's fleets, the ijn was happy to defend and some very very good team efforts on both sides seemed to keep the players very content with high quality strat/furball parties occuring anyplace a boat got close enuff to a base to start invasion proceedings.

we saw a great mix of 'veteran' AH pilots and quite a fw of the newer folks.. some of these guys got their first taste of 'teamwork', learned how to take down a field, learned how to interact as civil humans and learning the diffrence between spite and  'tounge in cheek' friendly ribbing, most understood the chan 1 byplay as what it was.. a buncha grown kids playing well past their bedtimes.

Over all, i'd rate this CT setup as a keeper, would love to see it come back again, and I offer a hearty "Well Done!" to both the inovative and savvy CT team and all the players that made this last week one of my most enjoyable in Aces High.

And for all you miserible lil virtual tied eyed rice eatin sons of the Emporer... may yer squid cookie factories all perish under the fist of the guns of the virtual USN. all who flew!
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Kronos

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2002, 01:56:27 PM »

cc, Hangtime, I thought it was one of the better strategically minded scenarios aswell.  As u found with the F6F, I re-learned again with the P47 that 2 is much better than 1.  I ended up running much of the time in that arena, and got killed many more times than I would like.  The tony was a very tough opponent, and as Sabre said in the beginning, was more than a match for the D11, atleast down low.  I got burned many times trying to turn with it :D.  I couldnt fly that arena as much as i wanted to, due to work constraints, but the time I had was a challenge.

Offline LJK_KämpferAs

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2002, 03:19:28 PM »
vv Hangtime

I to like this setup more than the others for a number of reasons...

Firstly, I and most in my squad fly LW aircraft almost all the time, so having to jump into the Imperial Japanese birds was a learning experiance for this pilot of AH (2 years).

Secondly, this setup actually got others into CT more than the others on a consistant basis (for my flying times anyways).

And lastly, I got to meet some more AH Simmer fans with out the MA Channel 1 garbage.

to the setup guys.

to all that came to the Pacific Theatre.

on loan from the Luftwaffe to the IJN

Online eddiek

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2002, 03:22:15 PM »
I had a blast in the last setup.   to the CT staff!
Flew Hellcats, Corsairs, and Thunderbolts mainly, really got into the Allies vs Japanese theme.
Most memorable fights were against the Tony pilots...discovered a few new tricks to use in the big blue turd called the Hellkitty, did a LOT of TnB with those guys, died a few times, got a few kills, all in the name of fun.
Good idea on the perk setup CT Staff......only saw a few Nikis, and only died to one once, when I got the upper hand in an F4U and he ran to the depot ack and I lost a wing in the chase.
Teamwork, some of the best I have seen outside a scenario.  Was kinda neat seeing Tac in a Corsair, me in a Jug, WALT in another Jug, taking on 3 Nikis, a couple Tonys, and about 4 Zekes, and all three of us landed safely after killing the Nipponese bastages.  :p
Hope the rest of the setups are as cool as that one was.  It took a while to get used to how the arena was set up, but after I realized that capturing a base did not always enable the fighter I wanted, I just adapted and went back to one I knew supported my bird, and away I went again.
Will check out the next setup, am guessing it will be just as good if not better than the last.

Offline eskimo2

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2002, 03:26:24 PM »
Well written Hangtime,
I also was impressed with the Hellcat.  Used against its true advisaries, it is an excellent plane.
No way could I have done so well with it in the main.


Offline Löwe

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2002, 04:23:02 PM »

Very enjoyable setup. Like has been mentioned the Japanese did very well in this setup. Historically the real pilots didnt have all the experiance as our cyber Samurai, hats off to all who flew Japanese. Tuesday night was great for me and my squad, we got altitude before engaging and the Japanese seemed to stay low and invite the kills. Thursday night the guys flying for the Japanese, never gave an advantage away, they flew smart and very aggressivley, keeping us unable to get  an altitude advantage. Even when we were able to gain some alt, they were all over us, sharp bunch. I am thinking of trying and talking the VF-27 guys into flying Luftwaffe during ETO setups in CT, I think keeping squads active in the CT is the answer to the numbers problem. Anyway you CT guys keep up the good work it is appreciated.

Offline Wotan

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2002, 04:37:38 PM »
i glad you guys liked it but from my experience it would go from real good fights to endless "ho, run to ack (or just run 6k away and wait for friends to arrive)"

I was killed by 5 inch guns 8 times in 1 hour. I had 9 kills and none of my deaths were attributed to nme fighter fire.

I went on a 6 kill run killing 2 p38s 1 p47 1 b26 2 f6fs when i went to help 2 axis getting bounced by 2 f4us. I saddled up on both at different times and despite being out of cannon and damaged and the  only axis left they both ran to ack and stayed in it till I went to rtb with my fuel leaking to catch me and strafe me while ditching.

I spent the majority of my time chasing guys running. I always stayed in the fight even if damaged or out of fuel. Only if I had no chance of catching them would I attempt to rtb.

From the previous set ups I was just used to folks being much more aggressive and going for broke not matter  what.

I was amazed at the number of folks that would run from a zeke.

I had some real good fights and was really happy whether I was killed or got the kill in a few circumstances. But unlike stalingrad or the kurland set up too much of a lot of nothing.

However the set up its self was fine (i dont like fields capture or cv parking but I am a minority).

I understand a zeke is tough one on one and that in those big allied planes keeping e is the only way to stay alive but this aint what I'm talking about.

I am talking pure running.......

next set up I'll be in a faster plane there will be no running (except by me away from spit v's :))

Offline Jaekart

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A Newb's thoughts and review
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2002, 05:32:40 PM »
To the Designers and CM's of the CT.

    While I have been cruising the AH BB for a couple of Months, Reading the set up and description for this particular CT Scenario, " Fire in the Sky", made me take the plunge and sign up for AH.  Reading all the threads on the MA, TA, and CT for a while has convinced Me that the CT is where I want to play and enjoy myself, and have some fun.

    Personnally, not having any use for the GIANT furballs of the MA, and the Tackiness and Vulgarity that I saw posted concerning the TA, I was not ready to shell out some bucks and pay for some frustration. ( Please understand these are not whine's , and definately NOT personal observations of these Arena's, simply a gut feeling from the many post's that THIS newb had no business in either of em. )

    I decided last Sunday , 01-27-02 , that I just had to go ahead and try to fly AH, in the CT, even though I knew I still needed some serious system upgrades, (NOW I know I NEED EM, lol )  Even with a "low end system", I managed to get into the CT, and have some fun.  

OK, now to the Meat of the Matter, WHAT attracted ME ??

  1.  The Historical Aspect of the Arena, Allies vs Axis.

  2.  The arena settings.  (even though I still don't know beans about using different arena settings, I was able to vaguely get a good sense of what to expect when I entered the Arena as to Where to Go, which country to fly for, and How things would be set up.

  3.  The Planeset seemed to be set up for Equality, as well as Functionallity.

  4. The Map for a Pacific Scenario ( Island Hopping ) seemed likely to promote some decent Strategy type Missions, both Offensive as well as Defensive.  (I was right on that thought, :-0 )

  5.  Allmost all of the posts I have read about the CT, seemed to me to be thoughtful ideas as to decent ways to have things set up.  Admittedly, a few of the posts seemed like whines to me.  I have seen a lot of things posted, requests and such, that I have seen the CT team respond to and if not change, at least explain WHY they decided to go with a certain set up.

  Now for a few comments towards a review.

    I managed to login a bit easier than I thought I would, (i.e.  concerns on getting a decent connection).  As soon as I got in, and had a viable connection, the room description popped up, and pretty much told me what base to go to to get the plane I wanted to fly.  I sat a bit in the tower, and just watched the text buffer to see if anybody was doing anything I wanted to be a part of.  Not having seen anything interesting, I decided to get into a 38 and cruise about a bit, getting a feel for the place.  After getting up, and finding that I could at least fly (connection concerns again), I landed and starting using the text buffer to change fields and get closer to the action that was beginning to develope.  This next part really impressed me.  (Sorry for not clearly remembering the names).  an attack on a field was in progress, ( I think it was 34 ), and they had a need for a goonie driver to drop some troops.  I responded and told em I was a total newb, but that I could get a goon up, if they would help me out as to the howto's of delivering the troops for them.  Low and Behold, no smart bellybutton comments, no sarcasm, just positive replies that they would help me to help them.  I got to the field they needed me at, grabbed a goon, loaded the troops, and took off, heading for where they wanted me.  I found the base they were after, and did everything I could to get the troops out the door.  Dumb me, I did not realise the goon was flown as a bomber, and therefore I had to open the "bomb Bay doors".  A Quick question on the text buffer, and I had 4 guys tell me what to do to let the troops jump.  While this was going on, my goon attracted a zeke or two, and I was told to exit the area, and orbit to the east, while they took out the enemy fighters.  Beautiful.  Somebody had a plan, lol.  As soon as the IJP was taken out, and it was safe to return, one of the fighters joined on me, told me to follow him, and he would lead me to the drop zone.  To make a long story short, I made the drop, ( poorly, troops scattered to hell and gone).  Only got one rather excited " jaekart, what the heck are you doin" message, referring to where I dropped My troops.  I volunteered to try again, and suprisingly, was told to go ahead.  I was expecting some comments to the effect that they didn't need help from a newb that couldn't help.  That incident set the tone for the rest of the week.  I never saw vulgarity or haughty sarcasm in use, altho there was a lot of ribbin and razzin goin on.

    The MOST FRUSTRATIN AND FUN THING I did all week was try to get My F6F back onto the CV I flew it off of.  So far this week, I had 2 landings I could "walk away from".  I want to thank the "Hellcats" VF-27, for ignoring my "newbiness' and inviting me to Join their Squad.  I'm still lost when trying to figure out where that BIG Ship I took off of went, and who replaced it with a Microdot Postage Stamp, LOL, I SALUTE ALL WWII CARRIER PILOTS.

    FWIIW, so far as all the complaints and constructive comments concerning the radar go, as a total newb, I was able to figure out that there was somebody there with the indicators on the clipboard map.  I for one, certainly don't want a HUD RADAR screen, on a WWII prop plane, that did not have em in the first place.

    So far as this NEWB is concerned, the Friendliness, the Respect, and the FUN Gameplay I found in the CT is well worth a Subscription, and I plan on Playin, Flyin and Fightin in the CT for a While.

Online eddiek

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2002, 06:37:48 PM »
Welcome Jaekart!  Fly more, have a good time.  :)

Offline bozon

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2002, 07:11:44 PM »
liked the settings.
had fun though i rarly found enough people on euro hours to get some real action going.
would be happy to see this setup again.

CT team
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Offline Sabre

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2002, 07:59:23 PM »
On behalf of the CT staff, thanks for the feedback.   Jaekart, welcome to AH.  Hangtime, that was a very comprehensive post-action analysis, and everyone else's comments were much appreciated as well.  As I noted elsewhere, "Fire in the Sky" was a bit of a risk, in that it was rather more complex than other set ups.  That coupled with a relatively narrow planeset had me personally worried as to how it would be received.  Thanks again for the constant constructive feeback throughout the week.

Our plan is to re-run popular set ups, while interspersing new ones to keep things fresh.  Once the Philippines terrain finally gets out of development, we'll try this same set up using that terrain.  Again, thanks for the comments.  The CT will only succeed because of you, the players.  The best set up in the world won't mean diddly without your participation.  My thanks also to Pyro, for having faith in the CT Team...enough to give us license to try new things.  His guidence and support have been crucial.

CT Team
"The urge to save humanity almost always masks a desire to rule it."

Offline oboe

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2002, 09:56:56 PM »
CMs and thank you for a great setup.

As the Japanese planeset expands, the PTO will only get better.

Offline Jester

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2002, 02:59:48 PM »
IMO the PTO scenario this time in the CT was a definate success. to the CT Team! I must admitt I was disapointed when the Phillippine terrain didn't come out with this scenario but that was quickly resolved as soon as the gear left the deck.

We took our squad into the CT for all our squad nights and we had lots of good ingagements. I found the plane sets to be very well matched. to all the Pilots on the IJN/IJA side. You did some fine flying and made us earn our pay. My only complaint was members of the "Gun CLub" insisting on driving the fleet right up on the beach to shell the fields and getting the CV's sunk but I guess that is just part of the risks with having the CV and Bombardment assets of the fleet in one unit. All in all I give the PTO "Fire in the Sky" an A.

We can't wait for the "AXIS nd ALLIES" in the CT and our squad will continue to fly there as long as we can get F6F's from the CV's.

OH... BTY, Hangtime & Eskimo, I would suggest you watch those "snide" comments about our beloved "Kitty" or you will most likely get the nose on your "Runstang" bent the next time the fleet is in port. ;)


Offline buhdman

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2002, 04:04:19 PM »
Hangtime ... good writeup.  I, too, liked this setup.  It gave me the opportunity to fly USN planes versus their historical opponents without the fear of that more-than-likely Uber plane interfering.  Of course, the Ki bouncing me in the middle of a fight with a lone Zeke hurt, but at least it was "historical" ;)

I was beginning to get my hands around the F6F when the tour ended and am grateful for the opportunity to finally figure out how to fight a Zeke in one.  This was something I was only beginning to grasp when I left WB many, many moons ago.

Thanks, CT staff, and especially you, Sabre.

Buhdman, out

Offline Pepe

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"Fire in the Sky".. a players review
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2002, 05:07:36 AM »
I don't think I can add anything substantially different to all previous posts, they accurately describe what's been the essence of CT for me  :)

Just posted this to say:

a) I concur to this posts.

b) Bigh and thks to CT team!

