Author Topic: Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject  (Read 411 times)

Offline CRASH

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« on: February 12, 2002, 08:25:19 AM »
Since we as a BB comunity seem to be on the subject of improving AH generally I'd like to make some suggestions.

I'd like to see strat play a larger part in the game, although in what form I'll leave to the experts to figure out as long as it meant that for a country to survive they'd have to both defend strategic targets and make strategic strikes to weaken their opponents. I think that would lessen the continual furball type of thing and spread the action over more of the map.
Why does a country want or need a fighter force? The answer, quite simply and in keeping with age old sound military doctrine is to hold the high ground. For if you can hold the high ground, in this case the air space over a battlefield, you have greater control over whats happening on the ground. The ground war is the driving force behind airpower, controlling the ground war by controlling airspace is the only reason airpower exists, and without a robust ground war to influence air power is superfluous. To a large extent, the lack of a meaningfull and robust ground war result in what we have in the MA. Launch, climb, furball, die, launch, climb, furball, nauseum. Now, what does all this gibberish mean? Expand the ground war. Make it possible for a well coordinated gv column to take a base or city without air support. Make every front line base vulnerable to gv attack and capture. Base ack shouldn't destroy tanks, only airplanes and other gv's should be able to destroy tanks. A couple of HE rounds should destroy a hanger, not 40, thats rediculous. Make the spawn points around bases random so that everyone doesnt spawn in the same spot. I think osti and tank guns are way to vulnerable to a/c gunfire and definately need to be hardend. I think that if you wanna stop a tank you should have to hit it with a bomb or a boat load of 20mm API.
I know HT wants to develop an infantry model with the idea of having underground bunkers to capture and the like. I'd like to see an fps infantry model above ground as well if its technically feasible. As a pilot I'd like to have infantry to strafe , and at the same time, as long as there's cover I dont mind bein' a target.
I think that if implemented these things would really round out the air war in general and give us good reason to fly other than furball, not to mention attract players interested in things other than the air war, therebye benifiting all of us.
Either way AH is still a great game


Offline lazs2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2002, 08:45:04 AM »
The reason for a fighter force in "real life" is debatable but for me as a customer paying to play a GAME..  I want to fight em against other planes and... just as in the real world I don't want to do it in dribs and drabs of 1 v 1.   I could do that in a dueling arena.   I want the complexity that is the AH furball.   Multi player fighter combat should be just that.  

As for boring... I have never seen a furball that was the same but...  all the "strat" has a phony sameness that only the most easily amused or timid could enjoy for very long.  

Soo.... why not go to the CT?   It is all strat and there is very little population density.   You can fly out a tank of fuel and never see another plane... even a friendly.   You should be in heaven there.  You can milkrun fields totally unapossed or fly around for 20 minutes looking for someone who has nodded off to kill.   I tshould be perfect but.... Sometimes those guys just want to fur.   Hard to get guys to pay to be bored I guess.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2002, 08:49:10 AM by lazs2 »

Offline eskimo2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2002, 10:32:45 AM »
Lazshole, you know if you play offline there is a nice low furball at every field!  4 to 1 odds, target rich environment, no bombers, no Gvs, no strat, big names to shoot down.  Every fight is different because; some times it takes 10 rounds to kill a con, sometimes up to 50!  Sometimes the left wing breaks off first, other times the rudder or right wing might break off first.  Its really just your kind of arena.  Best of all, there will be just as many folks who like you offline as on!


Offline eddiek

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2002, 11:04:20 AM »
Eskimo, go wipe yer shoes just stepped in some more lazshit.....:D

Offline Ripsnort

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2002, 11:15:19 AM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
 Best of all, there will be just as many folks who like you offline as on!


ROTFLOL!!! (Cleaning monitor off)

Offline Yeager

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Tough toejam, go somewhere else.....
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2002, 11:29:09 AM »
Main arena is "anything goes"..that includes killing other peoples fun.  No matter what happens, as soon as you get three people together your going to ruin someones fun.  Thats exactly how the MA works and it works real well.  I enjoy having my fun killed.  Thats part of the experience but whats even more fun is killing some one elses fun.  Dont like furballing?  tough toejam.  Go somewhere else.  Dont like buffs killing your hangers?  Tough toejam,
go somewhere else.  Mad at your country for not kissing your bellybutton everytime you bend over?  Tough toejam, go somewhere else.
Want strat?  dedicated teamwork on a country level? Go join a TOD.  The MA is "anything goes" and thats why I like it.

Dont like it?  tough toejam, go somewhere else.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline CRASH

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2002, 11:39:38 AM »
I would imagine you'd see some pretty large furballs in airspace over large ground battles to capture cities and such, Laz, you'd be in heavan.  I'm not sure where your getting this 1v1 stuff in an arena that regularly has 350 people in it.  I'm not sure but it seems to me that your probably the only person in the game calling for less strat.  Plenty of arguments over what form strat should take, but certainly most people would like to see more if they have an opinion at all.  I could be wrong, I would imagine that they'll way into this if thats the case.  The ct is a completely different animal and bears no comparison to this.  Either way I'm sure my suggestions wont ever be implemented so I wouldn't be too concerned about furball land being changed in any meaningfull way:)


Originally posted by lazs2
The reason for a fighter force in "real life" is debatable but for me as a customer paying to play a GAME..  I want to fight em against other planes and... just as in the real world I don't want to do it in dribs and drabs of 1 v 1.   I could do that in a dueling arena.   I want the complexity that is the AH furball.   Multi player fighter combat should be just that.  

As for boring... I have never seen a furball that was the same but...  all the "strat" has a phony sameness that only the most easily amused or timid could enjoy for very long.  

Soo.... why not go to the CT?   It is all strat and there is very little population density.   You can fly out a tank of fuel and never see another plane... even a friendly.   You should be in heaven there.  You can milkrun fields totally unapossed or fly around for 20 minutes looking for someone who has nodded off to kill.   I tshould be perfect but.... Sometimes those guys just want to fur.   Hard to get guys to pay to be bored I guess.

Offline StSanta

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2002, 11:47:50 AM »
Soo.... why not go to the CT? It is all strat and there is very little population density. You can fly out a tank of fuel

This ain't true Lazs. If there's more than 10 people in there, fights are plentiful.

Had 15 people on yesterday, and me, Hajo, Hazed and Saw barely reached 9k before we got jumped by allies...2...3...4 of them....shot down one...another spit comes...

That's where the real action is, the CT. Fights are much more furious and unpredictable due to the lower icon settings. And ya actually get to fight historical match-ups. P47s and 51s vs 109s and 190s...

Sure, it's not for your average "I wanna dive into a furball and blast away and then look on dar to see if I am clear and if I am not run home before repeating ad nausem" dweeb. That was my freebie slam at the MA, for no particular reason, other than I think that'll mean people will like me more, and god knows I need that.

Have fun in the MA. If ya don't like the CT - don't go there. No need to go on about how much you dislike it bud - we got the idea. I can see your points regarding the MA and why it provides the most fun for you - hell, when I am in the same mood, I go for the MA too.

You get your fun outta AH one way, I get it another, and we both can get what we want without competing with each other. Pretty marvellous, I'd say :).

Offline CRASH

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Re: Tough toejam, go somewhere else.....
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2002, 11:48:01 AM »
I'm at a loss here but what I think your saying is if one would like to see anything at all changed...."tough toejam, go somewhere else".  I'm not quite sure that would represent a viable business model in any industry, much less a service oriented entertainment business like AH.  I guess we should start a thread to compel HT to cancel the patch, after all, no changes tolerated.


Originally posted by Yeager
Main arena is "anything goes"..that includes killing other peoples fun.  No matter what happens, as soon as you get three people together your going to ruin someones fun.  Thats exactly how the MA works and it works real well.  I enjoy having my fun killed.  Thats part of the experience but whats even more fun is killing some one elses fun.  Dont like furballing?  tough toejam.  Go somewhere else.  Dont like buffs killing your hangers?  Tough toejam,
go somewhere else.  Mad at your country for not kissing your bellybutton everytime you bend over?  Tough toejam, go somewhere else.
Want strat?  dedicated teamwork on a country level? Go join a TOD.  The MA is "anything goes" and thats why I like it.

Dont like it?  tough toejam, go somewhere else.


Offline CRASH

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2002, 11:58:43 AM »
Exactly, the whole idea is to have more variety, not less.  I dont want you to be forced to play my game, or anyone else's.  Not interested in the ground war or strategic goals, dont participate in them, but it's nice to have them as available options when the same 'ol thing gets a little long in the tooth.   And, remember the more variety ah has the more people that sign up, the bigger the furballs and ground battles,  the more HT can afford better infrastructure, the more coders they can hire the faster and more interesting the patches come and become, it's really a win win for everyone to have more variety in the game.  


Originally posted by StSanta

This ain't true Lazs. If there's more than 10 people in there, fights are plentiful.

Had 15 people on yesterday, and me, Hajo, Hazed and Saw barely reached 9k before we got jumped by allies...2...3...4 of them....shot down one...another spit comes...

That's where the real action is, the CT. Fights are much more furious and unpredictable due to the lower icon settings. And ya actually get to fight historical match-ups. P47s and 51s vs 109s and 190s...

Sure, it's not for your average "I wanna dive into a furball and blast away and then look on dar to see if I am clear and if I am not run home before repeating ad nausem" dweeb. That was my freebie slam at the MA, for no particular reason, other than I think that'll mean people will like me more, and god knows I need that.

Have fun in the MA. If ya don't like the CT - don't go there. No need to go on about how much you dislike it bud - we got the idea. I can see your points regarding the MA and why it provides the most fun for you - hell, when I am in the same mood, I go for the MA too.

You get your fun outta AH one way, I get it another, and we both can get what we want without competing with each other. Pretty marvellous, I'd say :).
« Last Edit: February 12, 2002, 12:52:29 PM by CRASH »

Offline Yeager

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2002, 12:24:05 PM »
I'm at a loss here
Im talking to those that hate strat.  Hate furballs.  Hate P51Ds and smart flying (i.e. surviving to RTB).   Im talking to those that hate things that wont be changing as long as MMOGs exist.  Buffs are here to stay.  Fighters and furballs are here to stay.  Smart flyers who will not give in to the temptation to "dweeb out"...dumb flyers who simply want to and do enjoy themselves being "max dweebs".  Its all here to stay.  Dont like it?........

Hehe, tough toejam, go somewhere else.

Thats what Im saying.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Rude

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2002, 01:00:05 PM »
Well said Yeag!!!

And I might add to that the following......

It's $15.00 lousy dollars a month....Quit Whinin!!!

Offline Wanker

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2002, 01:12:01 PM »
Eskimo, why bother arguing with an idiot? Just do what I did and put the lazsterbator on your ignore list. Then all you'll ever see from him is this: This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click here

Then you can actually have an intelligent discussion with the more rational people here.

Btw, I agree whole-heartedly with Yeager on this issue. Good post Yeager!

Offline popeye

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2002, 01:15:36 PM »
Variety is good.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline eskimo2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2002, 02:00:19 PM »
Originally posted by banana
Eskimo, why bother arguing with an idiot? Just do what I did and put the lazsterbator on your ignore list. Then all you'll ever see from him is this: This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click here

Then you can actually have an intelligent discussion with the more rational people here.

Btw, I agree whole-heartedly with Yeager on this issue. Good post Yeager!


I know its totally pointless, but sometimes I actually enjoy arguing with Lazshole on his own pathetic level.  Someone's got to do it!  I know that it sounds like I'm really ticked at times, but I probably get more of a kick out of it than he does. I sometimes feel the need to give the Lazshole a dose of his own juvenile verbal abuse.  Whether he laughs or cries, I don't care, he just needs a good squeak slappin at times.  BTW, whenever he cries "Personal attacks" or completely avoids a solid slam against his "argument",  I think he knows he's in an argument over his head.

I have never squelched anyone in the game because I get too much of a kick out of watching folks rant, cry, whine or whatever.  I really never get mad in the game, or on the BB, I just sometimes don't like to let things go unchallenged.  The very folks that I would want to squelch are typically the most entertaining dorks to watch.

Your advise is good for most folks, and appreciated.  
I used to be a first grade teacher and am quite used to dealing with immature behavior/logic without being phased by it.  I always wanted, however, to talk back to my kids the way they talk to each other, but never really could.  I think the AH BB and the occasional Lazshole, allows me to "vent" like a kid, just for the hell of it.

Then again, it is a complete waste of time.
