Author Topic: Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject  (Read 410 times)

Offline phentop

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2002, 02:15:44 PM »
I like the original post
some people say that this is AH = air combat, but they
wouldnt put ground vehicles in the game if was only airwarfair.
I think a way for the planes to transport tanks and trucks that
can be driven by players would expand the game to new levels.

Have you ever tried to drive a panzer to the next town?
an hour later you arrive and get blown up? I'd rather fly any day
unless the tiresome drive is sped up some me
in by a base and let me take it out without that dam drive.....

Offline lazs2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2002, 02:28:13 PM »
yeager.. I pretty much agree.   there needs to be variety and people need choice.   I am for variety and choice.   who wouldn't be?   Well... except those who realize that their fun depends on "forcing" people to fly their way.  

Now, other thatn that...  there has to be some balance.   You can'tg for instance allow the atomic bomb that would say, keep the arena down for 2 hours for the effort of one fluffer  milrunning a back field...  certainly that would be fun for him (tho god knows why) but..

Balance is the thing.    If I kill another fighter in my mediocre -1A then I am indeed spoiling his fun but... he had at least an equal chance of spoiling mine plus.... he coulda just ignored me.   That's right.. not engaged.   It wouldn't a cost him anything.   It's not like leaving me alone could destroy his ability to choose a new plane or take off or anything.   My ability to "ruin his fun" is proportional to the effort needed to do it.

course... It get's a little more complex...  If I want to fly say a D9 or a P51 then yeah... I am getting a slight to large advantage over someone flying mid war planes but no big deal (IMO) but... If I want to have "choice" to fly 51's or dora's against 109e's or P40's then I am ruining their fun in a pretty effortless and risk free (to me) manner.  

And my little blubber eating buddie... I could really use a good squeak slapping.   Somehow I just don't think you have it in you tho or you woulda done so by now.    Heck, If u can't muster up a good squeak slapping tho.... I will settle for you having a point other than not liking me.
the "lazshole"

Offline eskimo2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2002, 03:10:15 PM »
You've got it all wrong.
I do like you, in spite of how stupid you are.


Offline NUTTZ

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2002, 03:45:07 PM »
Crash, I have to agree, althou this is an "Air" sym, the GV part seams far removed from the "Air". You know i've been around playing air syms for quite  some time now, and lately I have been designing my maps centered around the CT "style" of play. I Think I have got a good balance in this map. Cooridinated attacks between land and ground will be a MUST , and i think this will be pretty hard for milkrunners also.  Sofar althou I can texture well, I lack the experience in the objects and Strats department. I AM learning this in leaps and bounds, and have the map 95% complete, a few spawn points here, a few there and this puppy is DONE!

It's hard to make a map... PERIOD!,  let alone One that pleases Mostly everyone, just ain't gonna happen, But i think there is something for everyone in this map.

Hopefully, the CT team will welcome this map, and i won't feel like damaged goods.

I've, for the first time in my life have read a "help me file":)


Offline CRASH

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2002, 06:07:33 PM »
Wow, not very realsitic, but a very cool idea none the  less.


Originally posted by phentop
I like the original post
some people say that this is AH = air combat, but they
wouldnt put ground vehicles in the game if was only airwarfair.
I think a way for the planes to transport tanks and trucks that
can be driven by players would expand the game to new levels.

Have you ever tried to drive a panzer to the next town?
an hour later you arrive and get blown up? I'd rather fly any day
unless the tiresome drive is sped up some me
in by a base and let me take it out without that dam drive.....

Offline gavor

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2002, 08:58:27 PM »
So anyway, I'm reading this thread thinking Crash had some interesting ideas when it occurs to me. Crash is talking about adding more strat. I wondered if a certain member of the BBS had noticed Crash's blasphemous remarks, and if that persons unique brand of 'debating' would soon be seen in this thread.

I wasn't dissapointed. Thanks for the ignore suggestion banana.

Back to topic, im not sure I like the idea of a first person infantry component being added. The game's called Aces High for a reason, i'm sure the resources at HT could be used in better ways.

Apart from that I like the idea behind the suggestions. The air war was run to support the ground units. Planes didnt usually just fly around looking for other planes to shoot down, they escorted bombers, made ground attacks, supported infantry etc.

It'd be cool to make the ground war more accessible. Some anti-tank artillery would be a fun addition. Imagine a co-ord strike opening with some air units softening up the target then the armour rolling in under heavy artillery. Guys in the air fighting in a big furball for control of the field while buffs head to targets at the next base, softening them up in anticipation of future ground strikes.

Offline Shane

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2002, 01:17:25 AM »
Originally posted by eskimo2


I know its totally pointless, but sometimes I actually enjoy arguing with Lazshole on his own pathetic level.  Someone's got to do it!  

tell me where to get a lazsbotomy so i can jump in this discussion, too. :confused:
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline lazs2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2002, 08:31:24 AM »
You've got it all wrong.
I do like you, in spite of how stupid you are.


So... since you don't dislike me then I am at a loss to know why you even post since you have no other point that i can see.   No wonder all them first graders were laughing at you behind your back.   Kids have excellent pomposity meters.

As to more strat... fine but... Realize that your goals may (probly aren't) everyones.   You realize that because you see that people are not doing what you like.   You can approch the "problem" from two different angles...

Since they are not doing what you want you and the "goal" you espouse is not attractive to them then you can simply punish them for having fun their way.  Or...

you can come up with strat that is fun and easy to participate in.   Not fun and easy byu your standards but fun and easy by a furballers standards who spends an hour or two per night on line tops.

An example of the latter would be to make fighters available till the field closed but make the fields easier to capture...  The "reward" for us mindless furballers would be that there would be a lot of action at your "strat".     A simple example admittedly but you get the idea?

Offline CRASH

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2002, 10:09:44 AM »
Hmm, I dont know about everyone else, but my goal is to add variety to the game.  As far as I'm concerned there's no such thing as "people are not doing what I like".  I have no opinion what so ever about what you or anyone else does in the game aside from expecting my countrymen to clear my tail occasionally when required, other than that, who cares what the other guy is doing?  No matter how many bases get captured there's always a furball to be had.  As a matter of fact as countries lose bases and have less territory the furball gets denser.  I would imagine you would find that very appealing.  


Originally posted by lazs2

As to more strat... fine but... Realize that your goals may (probly aren't) everyones.   You realize that because you see that people are not doing what you like.   You can approch the "problem" from two different angles...

Since they are not doing what you want you and the "goal" you espouse is not attractive to them then you can simply punish them for having fun their way.  Or...


Offline bowser

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2002, 06:37:27 PM »
".....Whether he laughs or cries, I don't care, he just needs a good squeak slappin at times....".

Well I see some squeak slappin' going on, but you ain't doing the slappin'.  :)


Offline Apar

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2002, 06:22:45 AM »
Lazshole, you know if you play offline there is a nice low furball at every field! 4 to 1 odds, target rich environment, no bombers, no Gvs, no strat, big names to shoot down. Every fight is different because; some times it takes 10 rounds to kill a con, sometimes up to 50! Sometimes the left wing breaks off first, other times the rudder or right wing might break off first. Its really just your kind of arena. Best of all, there will be just as many folks who like you offline as on!


Offline Don

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2002, 11:59:12 AM »
>>>I think osti and tank guns are way to vulnerable to a/c gunfire and definately need to be hardend.<<<

I see merit in what you suggest but, I do not agree with the above. This simply has not been my experience. I have strafed GVs many times and have not been easily able to destroy them.
And to strafe an Osti, unless the gunner is otherwise distracted is a hazardous undertaking at best. I find it easier to kill a GV with Rockets and bombs. Still GV attacks if well done, are tough to subdue, and if more ocurred would IMO, perhaps change some of the dynamics in the arena. Hell, might even be fun. :)
As it is though, field acks can shoot at GVs, and that would make it very difficult for a GV force, but not impossible.

Offline lazs2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2002, 02:55:12 PM »
apar.. oh, I get it "aper"  I'm a little slow witted..  maybe "parrot" would have been better?

Offline Apar

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2002, 01:59:34 AM »
Maybe, I should change it to Lazs3? Fek the're to many of laz, lazs alrdy.

Offline eskimo2

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Since we Seem TO Be On The Subject
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2002, 03:32:22 AM »
I am a furballer,
I am a base attacker,
I am a GV killer,
I am a vulcher, and I am a base defender,
I am a dogfighter, and I am a HOer.
I am a gangbanger, and I have been gangbanged,
I am a buff driver, both high and low.
I am a tanker and an AA gunner.
I am cruiser and shore gunner.
I am a CV killer, and a CV driver.
I am a PT boat driver,
I am a strat guy
I know many planes fairly well,
And I even fly the goon.

I do it all.
I understand the appeal of furballing.
But because I do it all, I am able to view the game from all perspectives based on experience, not uneducated guesswork.  I know what makes it fun from all perspectives.
I respect the opinion of furballers'on furballing.
But I do not respect the opinion of furballers' who claim to have some "overall vision" of the game (that they can't or won't even explain in accurate detail) that is not based on any firsthand knowledge of any aspects of the game other than furballing.
Your self proclaimed expertise, is nothing more than self proclaimed.

In other words, beyond furballing, you don't know what you are taking about.
You opinions on gameplay, beyond furballing, are about as valuable and accurate as my opinions are on internal medicine.  I.E. you don't know Jack.

You're a tard.

And I suppose that I'm a bit of a tard too, for giving someone who is so obviously (and admittedly) uninformed, the time of day.
