Author Topic: "Bush Warns N. Korea Against Any Moves"  (Read 1059 times)

Offline Sikboy

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"Bush Warns N. Korea Against Any Moves"
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2002, 01:53:03 PM »
Originally posted by Nifty

yup.  hehe, a Dem calling Reps "lemmings".  That's the biggest pot-kettle-black statement I've seen in quite some time.  ;)

Is it just me or is this statement ripe with Irony?

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Udie at Work

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"Bush Warns N. Korea Against Any Moves"
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2002, 02:18:49 PM »
Originally posted by hazed-

what amazes me is the general gung ho attitude i see here.

let me ask you this:

1. do you think the taliban would have been so easily beaten if there was no northern alliance ground forces?

 I don't think they are defeated yet, and honestly I don't trust the N/A much more than the taliban.  They all switched sides when the fighting started.  I think we (US/UK/NATO) should have gone it alone.

2. do you feel airpower would ever be enough alone to defeat a country?

 Never have, never will, it hasn't yet.  To take land you need an army on said land....

3. How many would you suspect, would die to depose the government of a country like North Korea if they were deemed harbourers/supporters of terrorists?

 Hopefully alot more of them than us.  Honestly I have no clue though.

Seems to me sanctions on north korea would be a far more prudent intitial step than fighting what could become a third and final world war.

 How long have we had sanctions on NK? Iraq?  What good has come of it?  The only reaction seems to be the starving of their citizens which we then get blamed for after paying to feed them (NK).   How long should we continue this while they get stronger and produce a missle that can make it anywhere in the world with any type of warhead they want to put on it?

Taliban down! only Iran-Iraq-North Korea-China-blah blah BOOM.

and so ends the world i guess?

 I hope not!  BUT :D  I have a scarey feeling that when all is said and done that we will find China behind the smoking gun.    What are we going to do then?  Personaly I think we could take china in a war, but what about 20 years from now.

 Let me ask this.  Does America, as the strongest nation on the planet, have a responsibility to the rest of the world to stop these countries from terrorising the planet?  What if we know stuff about the "axis of evil" that other countries don't have the ability to find out?  At what point should America put it's own interest ahead of the world?  Does America have a responsibility to pull these people out of the dark ages even if they don't want it?  Should we just keep to ourselves, stop all foriegn aid and keep to within our own boundaries?  What would the world be like today if we had done that after ww2?

Offline batdog

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"Bush Warns N. Korea Against Any Moves"
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2002, 02:26:51 PM »
I've never seen The Weeze ever spout much but irony.  


P.S. We're lemmings..who the hell here spouts off anything orginal or that hasn't been said before... its human nature.
Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline weazel

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"Bush Warns N. Korea Against Any Moves"
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2002, 02:30:30 PM »
The policy of this peanut-farmer according Iran was a total disaster. When he let the Shah of Iran, a strong ally of the USA, fall, he expected that Khomeini will be a "second Ghandi", bringing "democracy and peace to the region". How stupid advisors he must have had in these days.

Your right, but when you get faulty intelligence analysis from the CIA that kind of stuff happens.....oh, guess who was one of the Directors of Central Intelligence during Carters administration?  

......George Herbert Bush.