Author Topic: What is the trick to buff gunnery?  (Read 630 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2002, 09:40:55 AM »
Think Tac wins Rudes "Whine of the week" with the threat of being banned? :D

Offline CavemanJ

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2002, 10:13:59 AM »
Originally posted by AKWabbit

I think Tac overstates his case, but its not a sentiment completely unshared by others in the arena.

I don't think its off by much, but sometimes they seem a little overly lethal.  

Do the buff guns have the exact same range as the fifties on fighters?

The guns have the same range, but the buff guns have a boost to maximum effective range to account for net lag.  Least that is what Pyro said long ago shortly after he and I went round and round about the buff guns being too weak.  This used to be a pretty heated debate, and IIRC changes to the buff guns were made after Pyro had gunned for me on a B-17 and an N1K took us down from a near level 6 attack.

A prime example of what that counters, JonnyB and I jumped a pair of spit14s that were on another squadmate.  Spit1 takes some hits and runs for the deck and home.  Couple turns with spit2, he takes some hits and starts to disengage.  At 600yds on my FE I decided to give him a parting shot and climb to disengage.  I hit, he starts to pull up and I lay down on the trigger and send him spiraling down to mother earth.  600yds on my FE.  He told me he thought he was safe because he was seeing 950 on his FE, and he was starting to open the range, which is what prompted the decision for a parting shot and climb to disengage.

Personally I think the pendulum swung a little far to the other side when the guns were adjusted.  If a decent gunner dials you in you're dead, no questions asked and no chance to get away.  So now the trick is more about not getting hit at all instead of trading a few holes in your airplane for doing damage to the fluff.  But one of those few holes could verra well remove your wing and/or tail surfaces.  In a flight with Xaqut1 as my lead we engaged a flight of 6 B17s.  All 6 17s went down and Xaqut1 and I flew away with no damage to our ponies at all.  It can be done.  There is a balance of sorts here, but my personal opinion is that it's leaning a little too far in favor of the fluffs.

Now, Dale, a couple of questions if I may.

Do the buff guns still have that minor twink for effective range to counter the net lag?  Or has that been removed?  Deffinately feels like it's still there, which I think is a good thing.  Considering what I posted above about the Spit14 and net lag and all.

And, is AH coded so you hear every hit on your aircraft that is made from a buff's guns?  I know in vehicles I've been to the tower pleny of times and keep hearing hits after I've respawned, and jumped to the gun on my GV to see what's shooting me only to realize the sounds were from my previous death.  Same with fighters shooting me down while I'm in a fighter, plenty of times I've heard hits after landing back in the tower.
But never from the buff guns.  On the occasions I'm sent back staight to the tower I never hear the additional hits, and I rarely hear the 1 single hit (always the first in these cases) that caused the pilot death.  Other times I see the tracers coming at me, don't hear any hits of any kind, then suddenly 1 or 2 big crunch sounds and my aircraft has been transformed into a flaming, spinning lawn dart missing one or both wings, all tail surfaces (or even the entire empenage), and 3/4 of the damage list red.  All from just those 1 or 2 big damage crunch sounds.  Of course, in this instance, once my kite has been turned into a flaming piece of falling wreckage I don't hear anymore hits.

In contrast, when attacking the ack on a field I have had times where I've survived 2-3 of those big crunch sounds w/ no damage at all.  Same against fighters, hear the sound, get a little bit of space and hit ctrl-D to see what's bent and adjust my tactics accordingly, but nothing is red on the list.

Something in the buff guns needs to be looked at.  But there's probably so many aspects/variables that I don't know about that I couldna tell ya what it is.

BTW, I've still got a film of me in a B-17 taking down another B-17 at a range of 1.4k.  This was, I believe, in ver 1.03, just a few days before ver 1.04 came out.  If the guns haven't been changed since then maybe it could help?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2002, 10:38:07 AM by CavemanJ »

Offline Ripsnort

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2002, 10:44:17 AM »
Well, if you take great care to attack the buff the correct way, with the correct aircraft(I'd suggest keeping the Zero in the hangar while experimenting), even the best gunner will only land a few hits on your aircraft.  Multiple passes, don't try to down it the first pass. Aim for wings.  Even if you cranked it up (Buff gun lethality) it still would not prevent some of the Ace Buff Hunters that exist in todays game.

That's my opinion on this whole buff affair.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2002, 10:46:44 AM by Ripsnort »

Offline Seagoon

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HT is right
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2002, 01:38:07 PM »
HT is spot on.

I fly Buffs predominantly. I've seen many a fighter jock complain about bomber lethality because they are upset that the big easy lumbering target shot down their pretty little sports car without even having to get on their 6.

The problem is almost always tactics, as is currently being discussed in another thread. Real LW pilots who wanted to live did not make their initial attacks via a slow climbing attack from the rear that allowed both the Ball and Tail Turrets to pick them off at leisure - 4 out of 5 AH pilots do. They just don't seem to have the patience, and the knowledge that they can up another plane zippity quick makes them try the quick suicidal attack rather than climbing and stalking.

The good pilots make deflection runs from the sides or quick headons. I've seen one P38 master do a beautiful maneuver where he dove from behind and out of range climbed up near vertical underneath and then snapped rolled in front and sprayed my Buff from ahead and slightly under. I never had a chance. Others will actually use that radio thingee to coordinate attacks with wingies from 2 different angels. Which - due to our 1 gunner rule - are usually lethal.

The problem isn't the planes or the guns, its the pilots. I can't tell you how many pilots (for instance) completely ignore the fact that the Lanc is defenseless from below, or that the B26 has a blind spot when attacked from below and ahead of the wings and still attack both planes from their strongest point - dead 6.

Regarding the original question.

1) Watch the attacking aircraft closely to determine his angle of attack while he is still far out. Hit "Z" to zoom your view, and the [ and ] keys to adjust it and look for the direction his spinner is pointing in.

[TIP - DO NOT FIRE in full ZOOM mode. Its too large a view, use about 1/3 zoom.]

2) Begin firing into his flight path (not directly at him) when he is at about 1.7. As soon as you begin to see bullet strikes, continue to move your fire with him in the flight path. Unless he is REAL close, your cross hair will never be right on his plane.

3) AIM AT HIS WINGS! These fall off the most easily and once you see those go, for him ze war is over! Whatever you do, concentrate your fire on the same spot on his Airframe until it fails, don't spread your fire out.

4) If they are at max range passing underneath, fire short bursts ahead of him, don't blaze away when there is so little chance of hitting. If you are at alt, your Ball gun is the most important position on the Aircraft, use its ammo sparingly.

- Seeagoon
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Kweassa

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2002, 05:06:21 PM »
The trick is that there is absolutely NO vibrations when firing buff guns. Electric turrets may be stable, but surely, they can't be THAT stable.

  NO vibes, no shakes, click in ZOOM and fire with pin-point gunnery with all other .50s converging toward your shot.

Offline RDSaustinTX

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2002, 06:45:53 PM »
cant believe I'm contributing to this (buff guns are fine), but
do ya reckon fiters vibrated when they shot their guns??

Offline Kweassa

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2002, 06:59:40 PM »
You suggesting they didn't??


Offline Toad

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2002, 07:38:23 PM »
I don't think the "Cheyenne" modification was truly a "powered" turret in the way that the ball or upper fuselage is.

Found this out on the 'net at a B-17 site; the Cheyenne's appeared in the summer of 1944.:

"The so-called "Cheyenne" tail gun mounting modifications were incorporated in the B-17G-80-BO, -45-DL, -35-VE and subsequent batches. These tail gun mountings also had a reflector gunsight instead of the previous ring and bead. With this installation, these B-17Gs were five inches shorter than the earlier versions."

...and this:

"A new tail gun position was designed, with power-boosted guns featuring a greater range of traverse; a better reflector gunsight replacing the previous ring-and-bead sight; and a larger space for the gunner, with bigger windows, that offered improved visibility and extended back from the vertical tailplane.

This new gun position was called the "Cheyenne Tail", since it was designed by the United Air Lines field modification center at Cheyenne, Wyoming. It was retrofitted to many earlier B-17s at field modification centers."

So maybe "power boosted" like power steering in a car? Hydraulic assist but not necessarily hydraulic control?

Here's a picture looking aft into the tailgunner's position. This appears to be the early "non-Cheyenne" version. Doesn't look like much room for powered anything in this one.

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Offline RDSaustinTX

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2002, 08:38:35 PM »
You suggesting they didn't??

No, simply pointing out that (vibration in fiter guns) isn't modeled either.
You'd make a good tax attorney, though.  :)

Offline Kweassa

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2002, 08:48:31 PM »
They're modelled.

 Try firing the VickerS 40mms on the Hurri-IID..

Offline funkedup

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2002, 09:54:20 PM »
I checked 391874 (assume this is supposed to be 43-91874) against Joe Baugher's serial number lists and I don't think that was a valid serial number for a B-17G.  So I can't confirm if the Cheyenne turret is appropriate on the aircraft in question, which is marked as VE-E of the 381st BG, 532nd BS.  The 381st BGMA aircraft roster has several VE-E's but none with serial 43-91874.

Offline funkedup

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2002, 10:03:37 PM »
Sorry about that, 1st period intermission was really boring tonight.  :)

Offline Puck

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2002, 11:41:15 PM »
What a perfect thread.  I just spent the weekend with  my parents playing golf and getting all kinds of new sories from my father.

His crew was doing gunnery practice over Muroc at somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 feet (he didn't remember) and the conditions were just PERFECT to cause the bullets to form contrails.  He was in the Martin upper because the Emmerson nose (his normal mount) didn't have enough slew.  They were supposed to be shooting at a target towed by another plane.

Just for fun he tracked his rounds and cut the cable holding the target.

I'd say if someone could intentionally cut a tow cable with the Martin upper then there's reasonably good chances they can snipe fighters.  Remember the tracers in this simulation are accurate.

Bomber guns are harmonized at 1000 yards.

The one thing that isn't modeled I'd like to see is the high speed setting on the powered turrets.
//c coad  c coad run  run coad run
main (){char _[]={"S~||(iuv{nkx%K9Y$hzhhd\x0c"},__

Offline Puck

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #43 on: May 06, 2002, 11:56:20 PM »
...oh, and by the way, lead for fighters behind the 3-9 line is counter-intuitive  :)
//c coad  c coad run  run coad run
main (){char _[]={"S~||(iuv{nkx%K9Y$hzhhd\x0c"},__

Offline NOD2000

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What is the trick to buff gunnery?
« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2002, 12:22:24 PM »
yah it would be nice if the gunner positions turned alot faster.....also it would be handy if they would stay in the same spot once u leave them instead of goin back to the strait backwards pos thats sayin no one is in the turrent.......