Major Video problem.
Ok heres the scoop about a week ago I ran into a major problem i started FS2K2 and its started but it stuttered itself all the way through. So i tried and tried to run it right but it wouldnt. I reinstalled and it was still dead. So i started AH same thing but tho a lesser extent. I started AOSII same thing. I started (god forbid) CFS2 same thing. I started OFP same thing. Ghost Recon same thing. Its getting very very depressing as you can see. I try in vain to fix it. New drivers, updates, reinstallations, scans, diagnostic, all in vain. Nothing would work i finnally decided to give it a break started Steel Panthers World At War! and it ran well but then i noticed. When i scrolled really fast through it it stuttered to. Also of not in AH i was hovering around 35 fps and not droppign more than 10fps at any time but still suttering through. I usually redline on through most of my games at 75fps which is the monitors max at this resolution and setting. I just need help, I AM IN SERIOUS AH WITHDRAWL, not to mention i cant even attempt to quench these thirsts with OFP, FS@K@, etc. Its very depressing. Im gonna kill my self over it.
Dell Dimension 8200
2ghz PIV
M991 Monitor
512mb Ram
GeForce3 64mb
dual 80mb HDs only one is used though