Author Topic: Hi and Low Yo yo's  (Read 340 times)

Offline Hardleft

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Hi and Low Yo yo's
« on: March 04, 2002, 10:04:57 PM »
ok I have seen illistrations on these to Basic moves but i dont feel like im getting them right i feel like im just doing a crappy loop and im really out of control can someone give me advice please?


Offline SKurj

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Hi and Low Yo yo's
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2002, 11:41:34 PM »
I'm sure someone can do better but....

for hi yo-yo, instead of just banking 90 deg and yanking..

Pull the nose up a bit, then go into your bank, bank past 90 abit and pull through letting the nose drop below the horizon before u pull out.. bah this isn't simple to explain.

just as a way to practice +)  fly as close to the ground as u can, pull up and bank her around and try to come back in the opposite direction at the same alt u started at +)

For lo yo-yo roll past 90 deg and pull through

DO NOT WORRY about how sloppy you are when someone is behind u +)  uncoordinated flight has saved many combat pilot's lives.

Likely you are doing yo-yo's just fine without thinking about it.


Offline Andy Bush

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« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2002, 08:31:07 AM »

Have you seen this article?

It should help you out. You want to learn the High Yo-Yo well since it (and its variations) is the most often used maneuver in sim BFM. If you can do only this maneuver, you will have a decent chance of succeeding in these sims.

A couple of other points:

The High Yo-Yo is meant to prevent you from overshooting the bandit's turn by controlling your overtake and aspect angle. The maneuver does this by extending the length of your flight path and moving your flight path to the rear of the bandit. The High Yo-Yo is lag pursuit. It is a "slow down" maneuver.

The Low Yo-Yo is meant to increase closure on the bandit. It does this two actually increasing your airspeed and by giving you closure through cut off. The Low Yo-Yo is lead pursuit. It is a "catch up" maneuver.

In both of these maneuvers, the initial starting position is assumed to be one of pointing at the bandit. The maneuvers are initiated by you changing your nose position relative to the bandit's plane of motion (POM) and his fuselage.

You change your position relative to the bandit's POM by raising or lowering your nose "above" or "below" the bandit.

You change your position relative to the bandit's fuselage by pointing your nose either behind or in front of the bandit.

The Yo-Yos are accomplished by blending these two nose changes into one maneuver.

In the High Yo-Yo, you raise your nose "above" the bandit's POM and point your nose behind his fuselage.

In the Low Yo-Yo, you lower your nose below the bandit's POM and point it in front of the bandit.

The hard part comes in knowing three far above or below, how far in front or behind, and how long do you remain with your nose in these positions.

In both cases, the trick is to first recognize the problem early (too much or too little closure or angle off) and begin the maneuver at that time. In doing so, you avoid having to make a large and unweildy maneuver later in the attack.

Now take these points and apply them to that article.

Good luck!


Offline aknimitz

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Hi and Low Yo yo's
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2002, 09:56:22 AM »
Heya Andy,

Are those pics on those articles yours?  If so, what are the chances I could get permission to use 'em?  If you have visited my site, Virtual ACM Training Academy you will get an idea of what I am trying to do.  Uunder the Basic ACM tag, I want to get AVI's there of the maneuvers, something HTC is going to be permitting us to do with the new film editor in 1.09.

However, under the definitions section, it would be nice if under hi yo-yo I could have a pic to demonstrate.  I would *REALLY* like to use SHaws pics, but I sent him an email and have yet to hear from him.  I have a squaddie that is comfortable with redesigniing some of the pics, but he does so much for us already I hate to impose upon him if there is an easier way :)



Offline Andy Bush

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Hi and Low Yo yo's
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2002, 11:05:02 AM »

You may use any of the illustrations in my articles. I only ask that you add a note as to where they came from.

I do all of my own screenshots and simple diagrams. If you see something that is clearly not a screenshot or simple diagram, then chances are I "borrowed" that picture from somewhere else.

You can find many pictures of BFM maneuvers around in sim manuals and web sites. Sometimes they are OK, sometimes they are not (meaning "OK" from an academic viewpoint).

The High Yo-Yo is a little difficult to put into a single drawing because the scale of the drawing is unlike the magnitude of the maneuver in real life. There are web sites where guys have made little videos for the maneuver that grossly over-portray the vertical aspect of the maneuver.

The problem with this is that our buddies then look at this stuff, assume that's the way the maneuver should look, and then try to fly it that way. The result is often like the experience of the poster that began this thread.

Need any help...let me know. I work cheap!!



Offline aknimitz

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Hi and Low Yo yo's
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2002, 11:17:54 AM »
Hehe - does cheap mean free? :D  I am the most unemployed, indebted attorney you'll ever know so unless you take payment in Romen noodles, its a no go :D

I'll poke around and see what I can find.  I'd REALLY REALLY like to use Shaws stuff ... his pic of the yo-yos are excellent imho.

I'll keep lookin' and if I cant find what I want I'll have my squaddie rig some up for me.

Thanks for the permission on the pics, I appreciate it!


Offline Andy Bush

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Do I Work For Free? YGBSM!!
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2002, 12:55:00 PM »

Yes, that means free!

I don't get paid for any of the stuff I do here on line.

Give me a yell if you need help.
