Author Topic: Unperk the Ta-152  (Read 1864 times)

Offline StSanta

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2001, 07:42:00 AM »
Alright you dweebs. You want to see some more Ta-152's?

I guess I have some perkies to blow.

And I don't mind taking the TA down low into a furball.

Feel better?  :D

Offline Professor Fate

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2001, 08:13:00 AM »
Decreasing the price of the 152 when some players probably have well over 1500-2000 points?  I mentioned before in another post I shot down 2 buffs defending a base and stopped yards off the end of the runway because of damage.  What was the reward ? -38 points in otherwords there was absolutly nothing to show for my effort.  Anyone who doesn't like wasting money in RL will more than likely not want to waste points here.

[ 07-29-2001: Message edited by: Professor Fate ]

Offline Urchin

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2001, 09:01:00 AM »
I honestly don't think you will see more Ta-152's in the arena until the price comes WAAAY down on them.  I don't even think having them unperked would make a big difference to be honest.  The D9 climbs faster up until 25k, and it is faster until between 20 and 25k as well (i just can't tell from those graphs, to be honest).  The only advantage the Ta-152 has over the D9 is firepower, and if you really have to have 2x20 and 1x30- you can jump in a 109g10 and get 2x13mm as well.  I believe the 109G10 turns better than the Ta152 as well, but I could be wrong here.  The 109g10 is also faster than the ta152 until 25k, and climbs better until over 25k (it looks like).  

I think the only reason HTC has to keep it perked is that it was rare historically (I think only 2 squads had them in WW2, again, I am no expert so I could be wrong here).  If this is the case, then perking them is definately the right way to keep them as rare as they were during the war.  If it isn't the case, there really is no reason to keep the Ta152 perked.  At the very least, they should drop the cost so it is approaching the cost of the F4U-C (and what I hope the Niki will be at if they ever get around to perking it  :D).

Don't unperk it, but sure reduce it's cost.
At 15-20K it's still a good beast, I recall dogfighting one, he was runing the show, going in tatatata, going away, climbing ... coming back 4 min later ...tatatata ... runing/climbing.

All day long till finally he ran away for good, probably no ammo or fuel.


Frenchy- you can do the exact same thing in the 109G10, or the 190D9.  Hell, you can do the exact same thing in the P51, or any multitude of planes if you start off with an altitude advantage.

Offline lazs1

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2001, 09:08:00 AM »
unperk everything.  the perk system is idiotic.   Add an RPS or "area" arena and get rid of it.  The ta is a late war plane... let it have a few days at the end of the tour with all the other late war planes, current and future.

Offline Urchin

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2001, 09:16:00 AM »
I wouldn't mind seeing a Rolling Plane Set- but that is mainly because the German planes are fairly well represented throughout the spectrum, they'd only need to add a 109E and there would be a German plane covering 1939-1945.  There aren't any British planes that go back farther than (what year?  hehe).  The Americans weren't even IN the war before 1941 (and say 1943 in Europe)- what about all the people that like to fly P51s and other American planes.  We don't have any early Russian planes (1943 is the earliest, with the La5 I believe), nor do we have any early Japanese planes (again, I think the Zeke we have is 1943?).

Also- a RPS would play merry hell with the "system" we have in the arena right now.  People wouldn't be able to fly the Spit9, Niki, or La7 for at least half the month, and while I'm all for more variety, I'm not sure if the "mandatory" variety of the RPS is the right way to do it.  

I'd be very interested in seeing a map that was divided into early and late war though, I think that would be very interesting.  Don't know how well it would work though.  I'm really beginning to think that there is no point in trying to "enforce" variety.

Offline Nashwan

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2001, 10:49:00 AM »
There aren't any British planes that go back farther than (what year? hehe).
Also- a RPS would play merry hell with the "system" we have in the arena right now. People wouldn't be able to fly the Spit9, Niki, or La7 for at least half the month, and while I'm all for more variety, I'm not sure if the "mandatory" variety of the RPS is the right way to do it.
You seem to have a couple of misconceptions about the Spit.
The AH Spit V is a typical Spit Vc, from mid to late 41. It doesn't have the 4 cannon option that many Spit Vs had.
The AH Spit IX is the basic F version from June 42. It also has an incorrect armament option, the E wing with 50 cal Brownings didn't come about till much later, and never on a Spit IX with Merlin 61. The AH Spit IX has roughly the correct speeds for a mid 42 Spit, but a worse climb rate.
From what I have seen, the La-7 and N1k2 were both mid-late 44, so how you can classify them with a 1942 Spit in a rolling plane set I don't know.

Offline Urchin

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2001, 11:04:00 AM »
Ah, forgive my ignorance Nashwan.  I was under the impression that the Spit9 we had was a 1943 plane, but I wasn't sure, so i asked.  But, if we went from a Rolling Plane Set, the war lasted from 1939 until 1945.  1943 is towards the middle, but after the exact middle.  That is what I meant when I said "people could not fly the Spit9". I know the La7 and Niki are 1944 planes- so I guess they STILL couldn't fly those for half the month.  

So, in a 6 year war, the difference between a 1943 plane, and a 1944 plane isn't all that great, IMO.  You'd be able to fly the Spit a few days before La7 and Niki, but you wouldn't be able to fly it for around half the month.  I guess you could fly the SpitV instead, I don't know the difference anyway.

Offline Staga

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2001, 12:02:00 PM »
Maps are changing after resets so why not planesets ?
1939-40, reset, 1941-42, reset, 1943-44, reset, All planes etc...

Offline Hooligan

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2001, 01:18:00 PM »
I like a well done RPS.  I like it a lot!  However I think the bottom line is that the WB experience of an RPS means noticeably less customers in the MA (some guys just love their Mustangs or Hellcats or whatever).

I don't think the perk system is a particularly good compromise either.  I guess everybody needs to sign up 2 friends so we can have 3 full MAs   :).  Then I could be happy with my P-40E in my RPS MA and Mr-TA-152 could fly his ride 24/7 in the all-planes-all-the-time MA.

Sorry, I guess I just got consumed by wishful thinking for a moment.  But honestly, there is no solution to this problem except for a big enough player base to support several MA type arenas simultaneously.


PS With the current arena setup I really doubt that the Ta-152 will ever be unperked.  I don't think HTC wants to see a plane that saw such limited production and use make other than rare appearances in the MA.

[ 07-29-2001: Message edited by: Hooligan ]

Offline Nashwan

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2001, 01:23:00 PM »
The differnce between a 1942 plane and a 1944 plane is great though. About the only fighters in AH at the moment that would be out before the Spit IX in an RPS would be the SpitV, 202, 109F4, and possibly the 109G2.

Offline rosco-

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2001, 02:04:00 PM »
RPS- rolling perk set.

 Everything available at all times, cost goes down as the rolling perk set progresses.

 May or may not work, just an idea.

Offline R4M

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2001, 09:02:00 AM »
Originally posted by Nashwan:
The differnce between a 1942 plane and a 1944 plane is great though. About the only fighters in AH at the moment that would be out before the Spit IX in an RPS would be the SpitV, 202, 109F4, and possibly the 109G2.

And the Fw190A5 (or a Fw190A4, as you wish)


Offline iculus

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2001, 12:27:00 PM »
In AH, 109G-10 with the big guns is better for intercepting buffs than the 152.  It climbs faster, performs well enough, and packs a slightly better punch having the MG's.  The 152 doesn't need perked.  In fact, unperking it could reduce the 30k+ buffs.  Just make it impossible to get perks with it.


Offline Nashwan

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2001, 02:15:00 PM »
And the Fw190A5 (or a Fw190A4, as you wish)
No, the A4 would be a contempoay of the Spit F IX, but the A5 didn't come out until 43, which is about the same time the Spit IX LF came out.

Offline SpitLead

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Unperk the Ta-152
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2001, 02:28:00 PM »
Keep it perked but at a much reduced rate, say equivalent or less than current CHog perk points.  It certainly does NOT have the impact on the MA as the CHog does so why should it cost more?  You just don't see many buffs above 20k so why grab a Ta152 when you can just as easily get a N1K or a 109G10 to kill it at no points risked?

I think the Perk System should be more based on the impact to the arena than on how rare the airplane was... but I ramble on....