LOL...I don't know what the hell is going on. As I remember it, I sucked big time at LORD back in the day. Killing players that are close to or above your skill level gets you a crapload of experience points tho'.
Now eat your cheetos kiddies, don't skimp on the runs to 7-11 and make sure to rest your keyboard on your gut for good luck!
Seriously tho', I'm having fun, but your LORD isn't registered so no one can get past level 6. Did ya know it was only $15 to register?! Unless I'm mistaken, let me know your Paypal id and I'll cough up the 15 bones if you'll install it. Consider it payment for the nostalgic fun I've been having.
PS...You can tell 'em to gang up on me starting Sunday. I'll be staying at the coast and away from my computer Sun-Wed. I may be able to survive a few attacks, but if they keep at me, I'd be they'll end up killing me dead!
-edit- What's your in-game handle LePaul?